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  1. uwscotch

    sebae anenome

    The tank has two 55watt power compacts along with two normal fluorescent bulbs for a total 150 watts. The bulbs are one actinic and one full spectrum 72K for each type of bulb respectively, about 11 hours of light and the anenome are 12 and 16 inches from the surface of the water. I feed the...
  2. uwscotch

    sebae anenome

    Howdy, my first question on any message board. Anyways, I have to large Sebae anenome for 1 and 1.5 years respectively. Both are deep tan with blue/purple tips. My question is do they ever split. The diameter of these guys are each about 7 to 8 inches and I only have a 30 gal tank. I'd like to...
  3. uwscotch

    looking for pods seattle area

    I could also probably hook you up with some sand from my refugium. I have fish in my tank so it is pretty hard to catch pods, etc. Hide in the rock. Also have some calurpar although it's pretty low, just got done with harvesting and nitrates are undetectable. May take a while to grow some up.
  4. uwscotch

    Giving Away 55 Gal.!!!!!

    I will take it if it is not too late. just saw post today. left message on you answering system. I hope you get back to me. aaron