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  1. jay0705

    34 Gallon Solana build

    There u go. I have sponge filters hidden in 2 of my tanks for that reason lol
  2. jay0705

    34 Gallon Solana build

    Get a 10 gal. Fresh water is fine, just run the filter in your dt to seed it w bacteria
  3. jay0705

    34 Gallon Solana build

    Those are nice. Yes get a qt!!!!! Your tank is small by sw standards so your possibility of livestock loss is minimal. However once you go big the amount spent on filling those tanks isn't worth risking by not qt.
  4. jay0705

    34 Gallon Solana build

    Now remember once you add the clowns your done!!! No matter what else you find. Give it a good month and then you could add again, fish wise. If the fish are good after a couple weeks you can add a few shrimp, or crabs, ect
  5. jay0705

    34 Gallon Solana build

    Ha ha ha
  6. jay0705

    34 Gallon Solana build

    If u have some alage on the glass try a few snails and see how they do. If all is good after a wk or 2. Add your clown"s". If you want 2 add them together tho
  7. jay0705

    Help with identification

    Ah dam. I just say one and can't remember. I don't believe it is a kenya
  8. jay0705

    34 Gallon Solana build

    Which is what? Just asking bc iam hoping you don't say add 6 fish lol
  9. jay0705

    puffer fish

    Saddle puffers seem fairly safe, w atleast large shrimp. Mine is docile, but I still wouldn't try it lol.
  10. jay0705

    2 Evil Flameback Angels

    Generally is w smaller fish. Just w those guys its tough when there really small. Atleast its doing good since u fish jacked it!!! Lol
  11. jay0705

    puffer fish

    Surprised the cleaner shrimp isn't on his menu lol
  12. jay0705

    2 Evil Flameback Angels

    Think he got the point lol
  13. jay0705

    2 Evil Flameback Angels

    Never ever ever mix angels. Thats your issue
  14. jay0705

    puffer fish

    Ok then there not too bad yet
  15. jay0705

    puffer fish

    Yea thats intresting. Still eats ok tho
  16. jay0705

    puffer fish

    They say the shell is hard enough. Just buy 1 and see. It should pick at it. You want raw tho. Also my saddle would eat live ghost shrimp meant for my lion
  17. jay0705

    puffer fish

    Getting fish food myself today lol. What type of puffer?
  18. jay0705

    puffer fish

    If your really clever you can stuff food in an old snail shell. They will crack the shell to get at it
  19. jay0705

    puffer fish

    They won't really over wear them, so I usually do every other day
  20. jay0705

    puffer fish

    Triggers are similar w this aswell