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  1. jay0705

    New 75g Reef Tank

    Any pharmacy should have bayer lol
  2. jay0705

    Help needed.

    I feed draggonets in the bag. Those are the only fish I do it w. clowns generally are fairly hardy tho. The fact there is inverts and a lawnmower living is puzzling. Tank inhabitants can get use to certain things that new arrivals can't handle. Yet your water tests ok. mated clowns aren't...
  3. jay0705


    Ha ha ha, do u mix ur cocktails w tank water?
  4. jay0705

    Help needed.

    Low salinity isn't generally terrible for fish. Hypo is 1.009 so you have alot of wiggle room. However too high or too high too fast can be deadly. Just to clarify, you do have fish living in the tank just no clowns?
  5. jay0705

    Help needed.

    This is weird. Captive clowns can be picky eaters at first. They only know what they were fed as food. Mine would only eat hikari s pellets and brine. Lasted about 3 months, then mysis, prawn roe, flake , ect where all accepted. Now they eat it all but do have a fondness for nls pellets.
  6. jay0705

    New 75g Reef Tank

    Ah I knew the sail. Very nice
  7. jay0705

    Royal Gramma Died in QT, dont know why.

    Agreed, I looked into mushrooms myself
  8. jay0705

    New 75g Reef Tank

    Mimic tang? Very nice
  9. jay0705

    New 75g Reef Tank

    What tangs did u get?
  10. jay0705

    And you think i would learn

    I still like seeing what iam buying. Its not only the type of fish, but how it interacts w tank mates
  11. jay0705

    Royal Gramma Died in QT, dont know why.

    Most coral are aquaculture now. That said they will be fine aslong as the cube has enough lighting for them. Each coral likes diff things. Light, flow, ect
  12. jay0705

    Royal Gramma Died in QT, dont know why.

    i feel like I should say. Alot of folks don't qt coral tho. Most don't have qt set up w the correct lighting and such.
  13. jay0705

    New to site and question

    King of macro lol
  14. jay0705

    Royal Gramma Died in QT, dont know why.

    Ha ha always a smart ass in the group lol. The fire would be good. Aslong as the qt is cycled a few frags should b ok
  15. jay0705

    Just set up new tank last week..

    Ok good lol
  16. jay0705

    Just set up new tank last week..

    Lol np. Just to make sure , brown stuff covering rocks and sand rt?
  17. jay0705

    Just set up new tank last week..

    Diatom bloom. U r good
  18. jay0705

    And you think i would learn

    A good lfs lol
  19. jay0705

    Scooter blenny, ich or not?

    Lol good good. It can take a bit for them to get use to it.
  20. jay0705

    Royal Gramma Died in QT, dont know why.

    Hmm for a 29? Clowns yes, if a gramma is a fish you want your fine. You just need a fully cycled tank for them. I started my 75 w a pair of clowns and a gramma but it ran for 2 months before hand. Fire fish are hardy. Once cycled in theory any fish should be ok. Its just new tanks can be a bit...