2 of my tanks are on hardwood. Overall its not bad. Any spills are easy to clean up. The one down side is vibration thru the floor. The fish definitely get edgy with heavy foot steps.
Its got to be over a 100gal, or he would have a blood bath. If its smaller then its more of "when" he has a blood bath.
I have a large maroon, honestly model citizen, but that seems to be the exception more than rule
If your showing ammonia, nitrate, nitrite then yes it has started cycling. Ammonia should be zero tho. I would continue to watch it and once the ammonia drops to zero you should show minimal nitrate . Your tank is fully cycled. You can add some macro alage which feeds off those components but...
If the prawn roe ever becomes avb again I will give u a heads up. Most of my scooters where never very picky so it should start eating more frozen variety soon for u
Snake just got a few nice tangs. I liked his Caribbean. For you tho blue, brown, kole, scopas,ect you can almost go w any but the biggest. I like the clown but again they get big. Just watch body shape, if possible go w diff body shapes
Yea that is weird. You need to start captive breeding. You could corner the market. Although I thought a good amount of the black clowns captive raised came from Australia
I don't get how your fish and coral are so expensive. I don't think they can collect on the great barrier reef, but your still located fairly close to alot of areas they do collect. Although my geography could be off lol