With a healthy well feed fish you can see improvement in a few days the best thing you can do is feed him and provide a stress free environment with pristine water quality
I just don't believe they truly help if they were a way of curing ick then I feel like more people would be recommended everyone go out and buy cleaner shrimp. But that's just my opinion
I believe it did become so popular just because of looking cute and because of the idea that it will cure ick not that it will. I've tried them myself my fish would go to them constantly butthey continued to scratch and show signs of ick so I'm not a believer that they cure ick more that they...
Cleaner shrimp actually don't do anything for ick there's no proof that they eat they eat the ick parasite if anything its more of a placebo effect they get from the shrimp.
If you want a light that can support all types of coral check out the cheap chinese boxes on eBay/Amazon just look up 165w reef light I use one of these and they work great
Frog spawn is easy to care for the only thing is there's no guarantee your clowns will host it or anything else you put in.
For fish you could add a wrasses, blenny, goby, pretty much anything that stays small like 3" max