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  1. lionfish

    angelfish question

    LionFish says...... Well, you need to get yourself a new fish store. Anybody who tells you that is just trying to get your money. Angels don't get along with other Angels especially in a 29 gallon tank. It's just not possible. Not to sound rude but you might want to read about fish before you...
  2. lionfish

    adding fish

    LionFish says....... Well, I'm going to put this as lightly as I can. ARE YOU CRAZY? C'mon now, are you new to the hobby or something? Don't take this the wrong way but, if you are new you are going to have to learn about this hobby. Sharks can't go in a 150 especially if there is more than one...
  3. lionfish

    Anenome for the Clown

    LionFish says...... Well, I seem to have a little problem on my hands. I have an Ocellaris Clown in my 50 gallon reef and he thinks he is the big bad boss of the tank. He has even resorted to chasing my Black-cap and Swissguard. Now genrally speaking, I don't need a $15 fish beating on my $40...
  4. lionfish

    Am I the only one who gets bored with fish?

    LionFish says...... I have never had to take back any fish except for a couple tiger barbs awhile ago. They tore aprt a Firemouth. Anyways, I buy fish and become attached to them. I will never be able to get rid of my Lions or Archers. They are like family. My fish are my pets. My wife has 5...
  5. lionfish

    **Adding one more fish...should I?**

    LionFish says...... I wouldn't recommend it Grouper, seeing as I am having to get a bigger tank because of him. They need a lot of space and require a lot of caves or they will just die. Hard to tell if they are really worth the money. They are colorful but they can be difficult to feed. They...
  6. lionfish

    **Adding one more fish...should I?**

    LionFish says...... Actually Featherduster require no light as they are completely filter feeders and don't depend on light for food. 6 line wrasses are the coolest little fish. He would do really well in that kind of a tank. I would suggest a Swissguard basslet but seeing as you already have...
  7. lionfish

    Any Kids??

    LionFish says...... I'm gonna send this on over to the Aquarium where it will fit in more. And by the way, when I was a kid I mowed a lot of lawns, too. Although my parents helped out a lot.
  8. lionfish

    Begining Setup Opinions wanted.

    LionFish says...... First off, welcome to the board. Now, this is in no way meant to be harsh so do not feel like I am being mean. First off, it is a 55 gallon tank. Relatively good size tank for a beginner. Those fish will not all fit in a tank of that size, however. This hobby is much...
  9. lionfish

    Fox Face and what to feed him

    LionFish says..... Well, I bought one yesterday. I have had one before, too. Foxface don't even eat hair algea, or at least most won't. The algea they eat is calerpa. I have huge growths of it and can't get rid of it so I got one to eat it. He seems to enjoy it a lot. He should always have plant...
  10. lionfish

    puffer question

    LionFish says...... Well as far as I'm concerned, I don't know what you're planning on putting in that 180 but if you put those fish in the 180 it would be awesome. Considering their size and amount of waste produced by these fish, it would be good to have a large tank. I am an expert at...
  11. lionfish

    When and what fish should I add?

    LionFish says...... Glad to hear you are interested in the cllown. They are well worth the money. In the future you may want to try a Swissguard Basslet too. Coolest little fish I've ever had. I got a Swissguard Basslet, a Foxface, and a Yellow Head Jawfish today. I would also recommend the...
  12. lionfish

    When and what fish should I add?

    LionFish says...... Well, let's see here. I'm really assuming that you are new to this hobby. And thats good to ask questions before doing anything. You see, when you say "fun fish" you're just telling me that you are more concerned at being entertained by the fish rather than concerned about...
  13. lionfish

    The black Phantom???

    LionFish says....... Well, the little guy has been in my tank for I would say 3 months now. He is, like total said, like a flat piece of black velvet in a circular form. I will look for some more info on them but in the time right now, the thing is eating all the algea and I'm not complaining...
  14. lionfish

    what do you guys get out of this hobbie??

    LionFish says........ Well, strictly speaking of fish right now, I would say the look people get on their face when they hear I have poisonous fish. People get a scared look on their face when they see all my lions. Really, the lions aren't frightening, but the thought of getting stung puts fear...
  15. lionfish

    When and what fish should I add?

    LionFish says...... Not a chance that you could keep a Harlequin Tusk in a 65 gallon tank. Just not possible with their size and how active they can be. It would be too small for him to do well. The Angel sounds like a good bet but of course they need a mature tank as does the Butterfly. Usually...
  16. lionfish

    Lionfish problem

    LionFish says....... I would start with Maricin 1 and if it fails to help, you might want to try Maricin 2. Now seeing as you have some very expensive fish, I would highly recommend a UV Sterilizer. It will definitely be worth the money. A UV Sterilizer will keep almost every disease and...
  17. lionfish

    The black Phantom???

    LionFish says...... Well, I have one, too and have been extremely curious about it. It is a nudobranch of some sort. It is nocturnal and seems to eat only algea. I have no complaints about it as I have yet to see it eat any of more corals and it is keeping my glass cleaner than any of my Trochus...
  18. lionfish

    Lionfish problem

    LionFish says..... Well, seeing as this is my best topic, I will ask a few questions. Seeing as you have a 128 gallon tank I can rule out a small tank problem. Just curious, but what kind of Lion is it? Also, what kind of fish do you have with it? In particular, do you have any large aggressive...
  19. lionfish

    Tesselata Eel or Snowflake?

    LionFish says...... Yeah, Tesselatas (a.k.a - Honeycomb Eels) are very aggressive with a nasty attitude to just about everything it meets up with. I recommend you go with the Snowflake which is much more docile and safe. Tesselata's have been known to bite the hand that feeds it. Eels have poor...
  20. lionfish

    blue spotted stingray question

    LionFish says...... Well, to be truthful, I would recommend a tank of more than 240 gallons. I usually recommend 300 gallons to be sufficient for them to do well. Although, you can keep them in smaller tanks, it's always better to be safer than sorry. And very true about the sand. Stingrays...