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  1. liontamer

    my new tank

    Lookin good:D
  2. liontamer

    new 10 gal nano need help with equip.

    The Microjet 320 is an insanely small powerhead, very good choice for a nano...
  3. liontamer

    10 Gallon Nano

    I just want to use the sand from the old tank, i dont care about the tank itself. That is going to be turned inot a sump for my 120 aggressive. Will the sand be allright?
  4. liontamer

    10 Gallon Nano

  5. liontamer

    Harlequin Tusk

    Depends on how large yer starfish is. A tusk is designed with those evil teeth to eat inverts, so it is a gamble. THey are great fish though, and it is worth the loss of a starfish. Hers a pic of mine ;)
  6. liontamer

    jebo 182 help

    Heh, u got the same crappy one that i did. There is a little airtube sticking out with a knob on the end. Twist the knob around, figure out which way it goes, and tighten it up to only allow a little bit of air injection. And also, its not crappy, i use one on my 120 gallon and i get decent...
  7. liontamer

    Moving to Wisconson

    yer saying that moving to wisconsin is a GOOD, yer in my prayers. Hope u like cheese, cow pastures and corn fields. There is a plus though= good icecream. There are som any references in entertainment dissing wisconsin...its SOOO funny. Hard winters, decent summers. I guess if u like...
  8. liontamer

    do you sleep.....

    Originally posted by pwnag3!! anyone like the cold feeling around them when they jump in bed... Sometimes in the winter i will crack the window and turn off the heater just so i can bundle up extra! Yea, i like it , it feels quite nice. My smeeping habits are kinda...strange. I have sheets...
  9. liontamer

    Favorite bourbon

    Not really well veresed in the ways, but i like a nice small glass of Southern Comfort every now and then.
  10. liontamer

    Seizure dog is an epileptic (seizures caused by bright lights) except that they usually arent caused by bright lights. Anyway, he has these "episodes" every few monthes where he has seizures. Kinda scary most of the time, but afterwards we drug him up on [hr] . He looks kinda funny now...
  11. liontamer

    Could I...

    Not so much the nigers, but the pork might if hes on the aggressive side. Most of the time they are absentminded, got bette things to do, ya know? Like rest on the bottom, swim up and down the side of the tank, sleep, swim up and down, and then eat and sleep some more. BUT, since yer tank is...
  12. liontamer

    10 Gallon Nano

    I can get a 10 gallon starter kit that comes with a heater and filter and stuff with the tank for $40, and then i can get the light for like $50 on ---- (2 monthes old, great shape) and ive got sand. Just a quick question...if i had an old tank, and i had an ich outbreak, and i used copper, then...
  13. liontamer


    After. Notice the differences... lol. He looks so beeked up now in comparison to the past. He looks like hes giving me the same look in both shots
  14. liontamer


    Now lets do a little before/after. Before:
  15. liontamer


    Heres a new shot of the lion...he has sadly lost his b-e-a-utiful eyebrows, and is beginning to grow a beard...sigh.
  16. liontamer


    Heres a pic of my tank...the whole gang decided to come out (the eel never comes out) The base rock i put in on the left side is finally growing algae so it doesnt look all white and sterile. I like this shot...
  17. liontamer

    newest member of the family

    Looks cool/ Also looks like it is trying to eat yer snail, lol
  18. liontamer

    125 help

    Lionfish, eels, smaller tangs, harlequin tusk, butterfly fish...
  19. liontamer

    Which trigger

    For a trigger I would plan on getting a 125 gallon or larger if you want to see it in its full potential...
  20. liontamer

    10 Gallon Nano

    Now i believe ive found a good deal on ----. For $200, i can get an -AGA 10 gallon tank with glass top,* -20" 2x40 watt Current USA Satellite Powercompact with built in fans and moonlight(on legs)* -Aquaclear mini powerfilter (irrelevant cuz it will be replaced) -Tronic 50 Watt Heater* -25...