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  1. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    too bad oceanic wishes he kicked as much ass as muah. bow down waterboy!!
  2. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    i got it first i RULE i WIN i used information provided by everyone else! people LIKE me domination=myself asses are usually found with my shoes in them!! BOOYA!!!!!!!!
  3. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    Originally posted by Tizzo Purity, In an earlier post you called me bro'... Let me set the record straight, although every guy I've dated said I should have been born one, I'm NOT!!! Anyway, I don't even know any scientific words so BE NICE!!! settle down beavis and recognize the problem...
  4. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    children are a sexually transmitted disease with a 100% fatallity rate
  5. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    you usin scientific names? ----.
  6. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    F somethin about fatality rates
  7. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    Originally posted by StacyT Purity, Where did they find a place to party in Merced!!! Not a lot to do around this place. he said they partied on his buddy's boat at the lake a lot. i think they went to the tji fridays out there cause his buddy's roomate bartends there. he works next to me...
  8. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

  9. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    stacy yer from merced!! my buddy just partied out there with the whole firefighter crew! what a coinky-dink
  10. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    Originally posted by KittyKitty this game blows. how many times i gotta warn you about being sassy!
  11. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    geeze. ok i'll take a T
  12. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    who said anything about unconditional? my love's conditional per guarantee that my lover doesn't drive me insane. ....or if she does then i get to drive her insane back. that's only fair.
  13. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    shut up! you'll getcher prize in time.
  14. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    toldja it'd be uplifting. i gotta make this game harder. ok tizzo & kitty-k kinda won that one. tizzo, you go ahead and make round 4. kitty-k's already gotta a gift coming and same goes for sea. let's see whatcha got bro.
  15. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    no mail yet stick flick
  16. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    lol @ tizzo!!! ok so now we've got a K and an O... the K bought a neck. -o-r li-e is the lo--est -or- o- s-i-ide twat waffle, eh? ok swamp donkey!
  17. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    Originally posted by blackomne H ---r li-e is the l---est --r- -- s-i-ide dude, she just called me a crotch cricket.
  18. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    Originally posted by KittyKitty alright this is kinda long and boring... with that said, i. i emailed you back dingleberry. ---r li-e is t-e l---est --r- -- s-i-ide
  19. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    Originally posted by Tizzo -A- 2 people playing, only a quarter of the alphabet, and you still manage to double pick??? just for that, tizzo just bought the entire face.
  20. purity

    HEY, let's talk politics!!

    Originally posted by KittyKitty d ---r l--e -s t-e l---est --r- -- s----de