Originally Posted by Bang Guy
It probably won't matter when the satellite data gets published. There will be a variety of reasons that will come up from the anti-warming zealots as to why it's not believable.
Cherry pick enough tree cores and no one will believe you anymore...
It is ironic, that the Democrats run around screaming separation of church and state. But have no problem with the state telling the church what to do...
Some trumped up poll, is not ironic...
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
When this years satellite data comes in it should be clear. If the data has been fudged for the past 20 years then we will see a sharp decrease in global temperatures. The decrease should be large enough to erase the anomalies of the past two decades...
Originally Posted by Nihoa
yes of course it can but i am not arguing whether it is or isn't accurate because i am not familiar with the numbers and it is the most pointless conversation to have arguing over data neither of us have seen. my point is that if you have concern over the error...
Originally Posted by Nihoa
there is error associated with measurements and with the stats run on the data. it wasnt clear which you were referring to but it doesnt matter because my point stands. all that you can say, without having intimate knowledge of the data set, is that there is...
Originally Posted by reefraff
You need to talk to your close friends so they can drop everything and come running to you. Thats what close friends do.....
Hang in there.
and the wife...
Originally Posted by Beth
But wouldn't an isolationist approach include developing our own means of taking care of ourselves? I don't think Ron Paul is a tree hugger. I agree that aspect of his platform is scary, but the USA's dependence on other nations, as we are now, is extremely...
Originally Posted by reefraff
I know someone who raises crawdads. Pretty good demand for them from restaurants, He holds out the unusual ones and sells them to aquarium stores.
where at?
Originally Posted by deejeff442
there is a place here in willow park just inside parker county.they do crawfish.i think they are awesome but i really dont have anywhere to compare them to.
i have never ate full sized crabs though.i would love to try them but i will have to learn more...
Really, I might have to start calling around...
Crabs have meat in their legs, and around the base of their legs. Usually I pop the top, break em in half, peal off the lungs, then remove their legs from the body, and start picking.
Hey, now, I'm all for meddling... Stable energy supply is just one of America's interests over there... One of my biggest problems with Ron Paul is that he fails to consider that if those jokers decide to start lobbing nukes at each other, there will be world wide consequences whether it be...
Originally Posted by Bang Guy
I don't think that's true. I could be wrong but oil hasn't really followed the supply/demand model. I don't believe having more US oil would affect the global price much. However, being energy independent would be priceless!
Sure it does, but take the USA...
ok get you one of these (good ones are actually welded) this one is a piece of crap, but you get the idea. http://www.academy.com/webapp/wcs/stores/servlet/Product_10151_10051_27749_-1?Ntt=Fryer&Ntk=All
Then get you a big pot (this one is way overkill but you get the idea)...
Not to get way way off the topic here. But there is a reason we haven't had a world war 3. And I think the A-bomb is one of the deciding factors.
You know, the Japanese, were planning on terminating all the POWS in their camps once we invaded, and basically after we dropped 2 bombs on em...