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  1. doggiepuffer

    Compatable Shrimp?

    Skunk clearns, and pepermints are ok together as tankmates, but camel backs are agressive to my knowledge. However, I would keep your Skunk & perpmints on way side and the leave the coral banded on the other..
  2. doggiepuffer

    Feather Duster Unhappy?

    When I first got my feather duster and moved him to another tank he blew his crown and didnt appear for about 2-3 weeks, but after he regrow his crown, he generally keeps it out all the time. I would give it at leat 2-3 weeks, he maybe just getting his crown back before he "comes out"
  3. doggiepuffer

    what's wrong with my shrimps?

    I would watch your blue legged crab as they are generally considered aggressive.
  4. doggiepuffer

    Emerald Crab????'s

    Just a note, but when Emerald's hit "puberty" they can get every agressive and destructive with corals.
  5. doggiepuffer

    reef safe starfish

    I have a "black" brittle star in my 30g along with a dwarf (Zebra) Lionfish, the everything gets along fine. The green brittle stars are also know as "Green Deaths" but are recommanded to place in a wetdry filter, not sure why thought if you have a comparment as a refiguim. Generally speaking...
  6. doggiepuffer

    Proteins Skimmers

    Ok, i am getting a Large tank in less than a month, at the momment it is going to a 90g predrilled with, however, as the date gets close (January 13), I tend to get more exited about maybe getting a sligher bigger tank (started with the idea of a 75 (LOL)... No one gave the memo on the addiction...
  7. doggiepuffer

    Ray Question

    A girl that I know got a 180g tank. She is planning on placing a bamboo shark, ramario (sp?) and a blue spotted sting ray.. is a 180g tank ok for that setup?? I have never had rays so I am in the dark on them....
  8. doggiepuffer

    Agressive Tank - 30 Gallon

    Are them some FOWLR Wrasses that would work with a Hawkfish??
  9. doggiepuffer

    I'm getting a 750 gal...need ideas!

    what are you going to do the the 250......
  10. doggiepuffer

    Agressive Tank - 30 Gallon

    Holy ****!!!! The Lfs told me that they stay around 4-5". When I did some reading the get up to 14 inches, but can get up to 16"!!!!
  11. doggiepuffer

    Agressive Tank - 30 Gallon

    Ok, I am changing my 30 gallon that I currently have an agressive tank, but I wanted some ideas. The current reef fish will be going in to the 90 Gallon that i will be getting on January 13 (Less than a month, and I am super excited). Here is what I am looking at so far: Spanish Hogfish Hawkfish...
  12. doggiepuffer

    Tang Police?

    I am really not sure to be honest. I know intially that the Yellow was upset with the addition of the Tomini, but after some re-aquascaping, everything was fine. The Tomini tang was always out and about in my tank. However, there is seems to be some issues with the LFS in regards to their fish...
  13. doggiepuffer

    Aarow crab, sally lightfoot?

    Emerald Crabs can get very nasty when they get larger. I have had a cleaner skunk in my tank with my Sally Lightfood and had no issues with the Sally, but my Columbia Sharks, i think took it out eventually.
  14. doggiepuffer

    Cleaner Wrasse

    From my understanding there are two types of clearner wrasses. There is the one that does not typically do well, unless you have alot of sick fish and there is a second type that will also eat flake food. I learned this couple weeks ago when myself and another friend went to a SW Warehouse in...
  15. doggiepuffer

    Tang Police?

    I agree. I had a Yellow Tang and a Tomini in my 30 Gallon (before, I get flamed, the Yellow Tang was about 2" and the Tomini was about the same size, and I followed the advice of my LFS, that said he would be find til I get the 90g Setup and running). The Yellow Tang grew very quickly in my...
  16. doggiepuffer

    90g Reef Tank (PreDrilled)

    Finally, the 90g Reef tank that is predrilled does up on Friday (12/12/08). I am going to cycle it with 3 Blue Reef Chromis, 3 Purple Chromises, and 3 regular chromises.
  17. doggiepuffer

    Anyone have a foxface lo?

    Mine is a perfect Reef Citizen. Has not bothered any of my coral in my tank, but every fish has his own personality. He used to go after my algae sheets, now he just grazes on the maco algae in the tank. However,my rose pincushion urchin will mow down the algae sheets.
  18. doggiepuffer

    SFE vs foxface

    The situtation with the kitty sucks, but that aside. I have a foxface and a sfe in the same tank, they get along fine with no issues. However, I also keep my sfe krill and for the most part he is a hatchling, but my foxface has been through 3 eels. 1 that kept getting intot he filter system, 1...
  19. doggiepuffer

    Snowflake eel

    I guess I am lucky with my sfe. I generally see mine for about 10 minutes each day. I LFS that I purchased him from hand feed him, so around 7-7:30a he is out swimming about while he awaiting to get his chuck of krill. I have been hold that is is basically just a hatchling, so he typically only...
  20. doggiepuffer

    Fuzzy Lion

    Generally 2-3 days, has been my experience with both Fuzzies and Dwarf Zebras. Normally when they start to feed is when they start to hang out in the open more.