Search results

  1. clown4life

    Ribbon eels

    Because most ribbon eels do not live longer than a month in captivity, some feel that this species should never be purchased. Ribbon eels have been observed in nearly every case to stop eating after being captured. Although there are reports of ribbon eels surviving and eating in captivity for 2...
  2. clown4life

    Ribbon eel in a reef?

    Because most ribbon eels do not live longer than a month in captivity, some feel that this species should never be purchased. Ribbon eels have been observed in nearly every case to stop eating after being captured. Although there are reports of ribbon eels surviving and eating in captivity for 2...
  3. clown4life

    Ribbon eel in a reef?

    thats what brings me to my next question which one on the record lives more (the harrdiest) white,black, or blue? I might be able to get one off a friend and it eats.
  4. clown4life

    Ribbon eels

    Originally Posted by AquaKnight Black ribbons are juvenile males which turn into Blue ribbons, which are adult males. As I understand it, large males turn into females, which have a really weird green and yellow coloring. Ghost ribbons, or white ribbons, are a different species (Pseudechidna...
  5. clown4life

    my 3 clams

    can i have one? what kind of lights do you have?
  6. clown4life

    Ribbon eel in a reef?

    well I know some one that has one in their 150 and he is just fime it isn't a reef set-up but it eats. Thats the key if it eats it will live unless it gets out.
  7. clown4life

    Ribbon eels

    Well like I said the best way is to watch the people at the LFS feed it and if it doesn't then better luck next time.
  8. clown4life

    Ribbon eels

  9. clown4life

    Ribbon eel in a reef?

  10. clown4life

    Ribbon eels

    Other than really hard to get to eat are they safe for a reef tank. Yes they get really long but their head stays pretty small. I know a guy with one and he has one in his 150 tank and it's about 2-3 feet long he doesn't have a reef set-up but it's eating just fine. It is the Black ribbon, which...
  11. clown4life

    Att: 90 Gallon people

    Originally Posted by scubamatt007 Overflow, refugium w/macroalge, 2 percs, blue hippo, lemonpeel angel, yellow tang, ritteri, frogspawn, torch, lots of xenia.... does the lemon peel angle harm anything any corals or the yellow tang at all? I am looking at a peel or a flame i know the flames...
  12. clown4life

    Att: 90 Gallon people

    About to get a 30 gal fuge, single tube overflow with two U-bends, Mag 7 return, 150 seaclone modded, idk 110 BR, 30 LR, three inches of sand some alive, 48" Nova Extreme Pro lights, 300 watt heater, 1200 maxi jet, some two random powerheads one on the leht and one behind the rocks, also a...
  13. clown4life

    Ribbon eel in a reef?

    Does anyone own a blue/black or white/ghost ribbon eel in their reef tank? Or if you don't what is your oppion about which one is more hardy. And do you think you should even have an eel in a reef system.
  14. clown4life

    L/F Acans

    what is shipping to 34233? $35?
  15. clown4life

    L/F Acans

    what kind are they?
  16. clown4life

    L/F Acans

    Just looking for all kinds of acan frags. Let me know thnx.
  17. clown4life

    How do these LPS grow?

    You should send them to me I will grow them out. lol does he have any more?
  18. clown4life

    my new acan

    Originally Posted by IBEW41 do they look like this frag and send to me please
  19. clown4life

    Lets see those Brain!

    I like the carpet but really like the Favia.
  20. clown4life

    Few frags for sale

    good stuff is the last one an orange crush?