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  1. wartooth1

    My 40 gallon tank (pic thread updated 9/13).

    Hi everyone! Well its been a while since I posted any of my new stuff so here I am with some new pics of my latest additions! First up is this awesome Brain Coral. I really wanted this coral sooner but with the vacation coming up in a few days I wasn't about to get a new coral (or anything for...
  2. wartooth1

    I bought this without asking what it is.... so what is it?

    Se before I went on vacation saw this Brain Coral at a store it it just looked so absolutely awesome I knew I just had to have it. When I came back to the store yesterday, the coral was still there so I got it for my tank. I was so excited I forgot to ask what type of Brain Coral it is... so...
  3. wartooth1


    Ha! I just realized that the place they go to in Los Angeles for their fish is only a couple of miles away from... and their hiring. I think I'll apply
  4. wartooth1

    Digitata help please. (UPDATE).

    Quote: Originally Posted by Slice I don't know about short lifetimes of Mex Turbo snails, never read that anywhere, but then again, you don't say which flavor of "turbo" you are talking about. Some snails marketed as "turbos" have short lifespans (margarita) because they are ill suited for our...
  5. wartooth1

    Duncan coral help needed (UPDATE possible emergency!!!)

    Well I tested my water a couple of days ago and everything seems to be at their acceptable levels except my SG is a little low, which I am gradually bringing up by replacing evaporated saltwater with more saltwater instead of RO water. The Duncan seems to be doing a lot better... in fact, I've...
  6. wartooth1

    Digitata help please. (UPDATE).

    Oh well I guess I could wait until the turbo kicks the bucket (they seem to have a pretty short lifespan anyways) and then replace it with a handful of nerites.
  7. wartooth1


    I've seen a few episodes over the weekend and found it fairly entertaining with some informative bits here and there. The only thing that has me wondering is the "clients" who they custom make their aquariums for each episode. How do they expect to take care of and maintain their crazy custom...
  8. wartooth1

    Digitata help please. (UPDATE).

    Ugh so aggrevating... Its been a week since I epoxied my coral to a rock and something this morning managed to break the Digitata off its perch and knock it to the sand... and of course ANOTHER brach had to break during the fall! Can a little tuxuito urchin or turbo snail be that strong? I had...
  9. wartooth1

    Duncan coral help needed (UPDATE possible emergency!!!)

    Quote: Originally Posted by IBEW41 sg is kind of low 1.026 would be better also what your alk reading and retest nitrates a few days after wc to see if you still have high readings.If you dont trust your test kit take it to an lfs and have your test kit confirmed Yeah I haven't tested my...
  10. wartooth1

    Sixline Wrasse vs. Red Fairy Wrasse

    Wow well this morning I've noticed a complete change in behavior! When I turned on the lights today I noticed the Fairy was hiding under a rock (probably slept there) and was poking its head out. The Sixline hovered around the rock a little bit but made no aggressive moves. When I fed the tank...
  11. wartooth1

    Sixline Wrasse vs. Red Fairy Wrasse

    Ah, well thats a bummer. Will it be possible that maybe after a few weeks the Sixline will get used to having the Fairy around or will it be pretty much a fight to the death? If there's a small chance by some miracle they could possible get along, how much time should I give them before I take...
  12. wartooth1

    Sixline Wrasse vs. Red Fairy Wrasse

    Hey all. So today I browsed one of my LFSs and laid eyes on a very beautiful Red Fairy Wrasse the store was selling for a good price. I didn't know much about this wrass so I did a quick google search on my phone. The 1st site I went too said they are peaceful, coral safe, and gets along with...
  13. wartooth1

    Digitata help please. (UPDATE).

    Yeah its aquarium epoxy I picked up from an LFS... made specifically for sticking corals to rocks. The nice thing about it is that once its mixed it turns dark gray so it blends in with the rocks pretty good. Now that my Digitata has been secured up high in front the powerhead overnight its...
  14. wartooth1

    Digitata help please. (UPDATE).

    Cool... I just got some epoxy and its being set as we speak... now that it won't be knocked over by snails at what not I'll have no reason to touch it and hopefully that will do the trick.
  15. wartooth1

    Digitata help please. (UPDATE).

    Yeah I've only dipped it once... but I'm sure getting knocked over constantly does help lol. UGH... this morning I turned on the lights to find it on the sand again and it looks like it lost another branch during the fall! I placed back on the upper rock but in a different position and the...
  16. wartooth1

    Duncan coral help needed (UPDATE possible emergency!!!)

    Ok well I put it in a shady spot between a couple of rocks last night. It fits there now that the base is gone. This morning it was opened just enough that I can target feed it. Now that its fed, it is opening up a little bit more. Hopefully as long as it stays in this new spot and I keep target...
  17. wartooth1

    Duncan coral help needed (UPDATE possible emergency!!!)

    Quote: Originally Posted by Gemmy Did your lights have their usual cycle while you were away? Yeah. I've instructed my uncle, who lives at the house with us, when to turn on/off the lights and he says he did it exactly like I asked him too. But uh oh, I think I just made things worse... just...
  18. wartooth1

    Duncan coral help needed (UPDATE possible emergency!!!)

    Ok well I just came back from a 2 week trip and now the duncan is completely closed. I haven't tested the water yet (except for calcium) but I plan on doing 2 50% water changes over the next week to make up for me being gone. If the water changes don't cause the coral to open, what else should I...
  19. wartooth1

    Sea Urchans as part of a clean up crew???? yes or no? opinions?

    I have a tuxuito urchin in my 40 gallon and he seems to be doing great. Although my tank is still considered "new" (under 6 months old) the urchin is always very active and cover's itself with pebbles and shells (which I've heard is an indicator of good health/happieness). Just incase though, I...
  20. wartooth1

    "aussie" ????

    Haha... whenever I'm in any store and I ask about a coral that I may want, as soon as I hear the word "aussie" or "Aurstrailian" come out of the employee's mouth, I immediatly know its out of my price range lol!