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  1. mproctor4

    Shady spot for coral.. pic included

    Only the 120g (mostly fish with a few corals) + QT is mine. Whoever happens to be using the QT is responsible for it at that moment. Hubbie has 56g (mostly corals with 2 "normal" fish and 2 pipefish) and 29g biocube (which we are sharing for QT of corals for the moment), and he has a 5g fw...
  2. mproctor4

    Shady spot for coral.. pic included

    No reason you can't have both (zoas and suncoral). I have outgrown the 120. It happens so fast! We too have a dream of a 200-300gal tank. Our problem now is we just have too many tanks in too small of a house and to many other pets! I could always fill up a bigger tank, but I honestly am...
  3. mproctor4

    Wanting to buy a 29gal

    We have 5 saltwater tanks in our house. 2 of them are 29g biocube. We really like the biocubes. Pretty easy to take care of, don't take up a ton of space, and they look nice. Around here you can find a new biocube (older style lights) on sale for $250. Doesn't sound like too bad of a deal...
  4. mproctor4

    Wanting new pipefish..... got new pipefish!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kiefers So, after reading up on these creatures I decided it was safe to introduce a new resident and friend to Draco. Meet Tanis, meaning "Lady Serpant" these two have been together ever since, only seperated for a very short periods of time then they find...
  5. mproctor4

    Wanting new pipefish..... got new pipefish!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by tirtza wow! The pipefish is amazing! It looks like a hybrid between an eel and a seahorse. To be honest, I had no idea what a Pipefish actually was so I had to 'google' I understand why they are under the same section as Seahorses. Just out of curiosity, can...
  6. mproctor4

    Wanting new pipefish..... got new pipefish!!!

    Quote: Originally Posted by spanko Today is me and Denise's 36th anniversary. I hope to be doing some dancing and wrapping tonight! Hi Spanko!! We've missed you. HAPPY ANNIVERSARY.
  7. mproctor4

    Need Advice.

    There are some great ideas there. Just another thought---a local guy on our town donated his services for free to the main city library. The library paid for the set up of the tank but he maintains it for free in exchange for free advertisement. This is a huge library and it is about a 150gal...
  8. mproctor4

    is this a baby starfish?

    I wouldn't pull any of those things out. I love diversity in a tank and it improves the health of your tank. Just because the focus of the tank is fish doesn't mean that is all that needs to be in there. You certainly want a clean up crew. Most of those critters you have found will help you...
  9. mproctor4

    Shady spot for coral.. pic included

    Quote: Originally Posted by alisamac Definitely no rush so I hope we don't get screwed into paying too much.. We used to have an urchin that used to pluck frags up and carry them around like a hat. It was funny the first time but then got super annoying, so I can only imagine how a fish...
  10. mproctor4

    My Poor Bubble Coral HELP!!!!

    I agree with Snake that more info is needed about your tank. I would like to add that my bubbles don't seem to like current. I've had two bubbles. First one almost immediately started declining in moderate current, it looked completely dead after a month. Moved it around to low flow area...
  11. mproctor4

    Flame Angel in REEF Tank????

    My flame angel is a model citizen. It is the freaken tang that picks on corals! No way to know until you try.
  12. mproctor4


    It is amazing how much controversy this show has stirred up. There are about 20+ threads on reef central about--too overwhelming to read.
  13. mproctor4


    Quote: Originally Posted by Cranberry Ya, influenced kids who have parents that can't say no. The local state aquarium perpetuated the whole nemo with one of their displays as well as promoting inappropriate stocking. Why aren't y'all banging on the doors of the local state aquariums that are...
  14. mproctor4

    Shady spot for coral.. pic included

    Yeah, I've been thinking about trying it again in a couple of months. I'm hoping he will forget how much fun they were I also thought I would put them on the side of the tank that he doesn't go to as often. He mostly bothered the smaller one--threw it around the tank like it was a ping pong...
  15. mproctor4

    probably bye bye to my yellow tails

    Anthias would look nice in your tank. How long have you had your feather duster? I don't know much about Christmas tree worms but I would imagine if you have had your feather duster for several months and it is doing well they would do well also. I do like the looks for the Christmas tree worm.
  16. mproctor4


    Quote: Originally Posted by Cranberry I just watched it. This is such a fluff show and will influence no one.... oh, come on! It's nothing. Nemo was a cartoon and influenced alot of people. It will be interesting to see what happens.
  17. mproctor4

    GSP, Hearty Hermits and Tank Mentoring

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kiefers Pssssshhhhhh..... whatever....... you jusy like him better cuz his is bigger!! (tank that is) Lol.... Yeah right.........your "tanks" are almost the same size silly. Slice---sorry, we have gotten WAY off topic and will try to behave.
  18. mproctor4

    probably bye bye to my yellow tails

    Very nice Are you leaning towards any fish in particular or still thinking it through?
  19. mproctor4

    probably bye bye to my yellow tails

    Quote: Originally Posted by travelerjp98 When I read that I heard the sound of the sirens of the tang police in the back of my mind... Well, they really enjoy the biocube. LOL--kidding---I have a 120gallon. I'm sure some of the tang police wouldn't be happy, but for now they are fine...
  20. mproctor4

    Shady spot for coral.. pic included

    I'm in the same boat--need some lights and equipment. Not fun, but necessary. I think the tangs pic for the food, they totally ignore the suncorals when the food isn't around. My sailfin tang however did start picking on my acans, candycanes, and brains. Luckily my hubby has a reef tank I...