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  1. mproctor4

    Just starting out with 30G tank ..

    Very nice tank, you will be happy with it. I like the stand alot. Just one shrimp is fine, leave it in for a few days. Test your water every couple of days so you know when everything peaks and comes back to zero. I kept a journal of mine (cause I'm anal) and have used it a couple of times...
  2. mproctor4

    Upside down cake

    Tuna sounds good (I've had hospital food the last 2 days--yuck). We will have to give that a try, hubbie is a GREAT fish cooker, he is good at all kinds but trout is his speciality. Man, the cake looks good too.....I'm gonna have to rummage around the kitchen.
  3. mproctor4

    7 weeks hypo and still ick!

    Quote: Originally Posted by Kiefers okay.... I think something got lost or forgotten in the post. there were not "multiple" spots. Just one or two, and they were big. Nothing like the MICU I had. 1 or 2 BIG pimple spots. I did not see any on the fins like normal just the side. I never knew for...
  4. mproctor4

    Homemade fish food?

    The cheese grater is a good idea. We have done that before with frozen cubes of food that we need for smaller fish, but never while the food is still fresh. Might have to give that a try someday. We used our margarita maker the other day and I actually liked the results better than the food...
  5. mproctor4

    Upside down cake

    Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer's probably more like if you drink enough you won't care where you put the seeds LOL...neatly on a napkin or just spit them across the room K--I'd have to drink alot to spit them across the room, cause I know I have to clean them up! I would...
  6. mproctor4

    7 weeks hypo and still ick!

    Tang Rules-- Let me start off by saying that I do really appreciate your help. I have just put in a long, emotional day at work and get to repeat the fun again in the morning, so please forgive me if I am a bit blunt. The tank has had the salinity at 1.007 from 4/15-until 5 days ago when I...
  7. mproctor4

    Upside down cake

    If you drink enough of it you won't care about the seeds I like the idea about the drink recipes.
  8. mproctor4

    7 weeks hypo and still ick!

    A few of the spots are back! I don't know what else I should be doing for them, especially since I don't even know what it is. I was wrong about the date I started hypo. After checking my journal, hypo started 4/10 and copper was 3 or 4 weeks ago (I forgot to write that date down). I had...
  9. mproctor4

    The new scolymia

    Mine took food from them too. I would have to guard them until the food was all the way inside. Maybe an orange juice or soda bottle covering it would work
  10. mproctor4

    Upside down cake

    I bet it would be great in the margarita maker! I love raspberries and lemonaid. I found a great new use for the margarita maker--used it to make homemade fish food, it worked better than my food processor! If you have a way of getting shaved ice, a great drink is about 1/3 of a can of frozen...
  11. mproctor4


    Yeah for your hubby. Sounds like this is a rough week for both of you, glad he caught a break. That thing looks like it would be fun at the sand dunes! Our Jeep is great fun there, but your UTV would be even better.
  12. mproctor4

    Just starting out with 30G tank ..

    Your tank has had water in it for 4 or 5 days and you have 2 fish and a starfish? If this is the case you need to take ALL of your livestock back to the fish store and let your tank cycle! Have you read anything about what a cycle is? It is good that you got your own test kits. You need to...
  13. mproctor4

    Been a while but I have new stuff for all of you :) 08/24/11

    I think your aqua scaping looks great! What are you planning on putting in this tank? Wecome to the site.
  14. mproctor4

    The new scolymia

    Meowzer--your sailfin leaves your brains alone? My sailfin decided after 8 months that they were toys. He would pick at them till they close up and then pick up the whole brain and toss it around like a ping pong ball. So frustrating! So now Kiefers has my brain. At least I still get to...
  15. mproctor4

    Questions about my first marine aquarium

    Welcome to the site!! You can't get better advice than that of Bang Guy. Personally, I would use the sea water if there isn't significant pollution in the area. Bigger is always better IMO in this hobby. Mostly likely you will kick yourself sooner, rather than later if you don't just set up...
  16. mproctor4

    Upside down cake

    Sounds good. We will have to give it a try someday soon. I have never seen banana cake mix before. I am sure the yellow is fine. I liked the idea of a recipe thread that someone started awhile back (maybe TeresaQ?). I was just really busy around that time and lost track of it. One of...
  17. mproctor4

    Upside down cake

    Hhhmmm. I glanced at that website the other day but didn't notice the email. I will have to check it out. A friend from work told me she has gotten some great recipes there. Banana upside down cake sounds interesting.
  18. mproctor4

    Upside down cake

    That is kinda mean.....flaunting it to all of us that are too far away to share. Looks good.
  19. mproctor4

    Upside down cake

    Better Homes and Gardens says 5 minutes. Better hurry.
  20. mproctor4

    How many air pumps would I need in an emergency?

    When we transport critters from the beach we just use the cheepy Walmart battery operated ones. The last time we bought one it was less than $10 and still runs fine. They run for several days when we are there in a large cooler and do just fine. My dad has one we borrowed the last trip that...