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  1. krautburner

    please help restocking a 29 gal. from vacation disaster

    Originally Posted by davmul I love my Midas Blenny. He has a very cool swimming motion and gets along great with the other fish but I have heard that they can be more aggressive in smaller tanks. I've got one too, verry fun guy, adds some color, and loves swimming in place in front of...
  2. krautburner

    Fuzzy Dwarf Lion's and a Snowflake Eel....

    Originally Posted by sepulatian You can keep a SFE in a 38. The three lions will be a problem together though, as they mature. well, after doing some reading, the Eel and 2 of the fuzzy dwarf lions (1.5-2" long each) will go into the 38g tank one of the fuzzy dwarf's will go into my main...
  3. krautburner

    Fuzzy Dwarf Lion's and a Snowflake Eel....

    Originally Posted by sawtydog dude, just wanted to say i love your avatar thanks, I actually have my nitrous purge setup like that it sprays out my hood scoops on my GTO
  4. krautburner

    Fuzzy Dwarf Lion's and a Snowflake Eel....

    that's prettymuch what I was thinking, probably just trade the snowflake in when he gets bigger.
  5. krautburner

    anemone suicide !!!!!

    I thought it was covered with rocks I will probably get some of those Korilla's (sp) they seem to have less suction than my current powerheads
  6. krautburner

    Fuzzy Dwarf Lion's and a Snowflake Eel....

    I recently upgraded my custom 38gal tank to a 75 and now I'm thinking of turning the 38 into a "Semi Agressive" tank I have the oppertunity to pick up (3) Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish 1.5-2" long and a 5" Snowflake Moray Eel would this be a good combo for this tank? from what I;ve read so far.... I'm...
  7. krautburner

    anemone suicide !!!!!

    also posted in my local forum ..... well, a little over a week ago I picked up an awesome Purple long tipped anemone. I acclimated it, and placed it in the tank where I wanted it. he moved a little over the next couple days. but prettymuch stayed where I wanted him. my gsm clowns took strait to...
  8. krautburner

    Purple LTA anenome?

    I picked one up about 2 weeks ago, it seemed happy (pretty close to where I put it) my gsm clowns seemed really happy to have it, started hosting immediately. then after a little over a week, it climed down the rock it was on got down to the glass, then went under the rocks the next morning...
  9. krautburner

    RFB's Motorcycle thread

    Originally Posted by ReefForBrains As for the Kawi, they make such bold statements, but the Concours does show promise. Most poke fun at it as a dressed down Goldwing but I am interested in hearing first hand how they handle compared to the rest of thier bracket... Keep us posted in how it...
  10. krautburner

    RFB's Motorcycle thread

    Originally Posted by KrautBurner *****Edit***** Pictures of motorcycles=good Pictures of motorcycles and half n aked models=Not so much good... 1Journeyman - 1Journeyman WTF !!!! Editing my post the photo is a standard motorcycle add it's in almost every motorcycle magazine out there
  11. krautburner

    RFB's Motorcycle thread

    *****Edit***** Pictures of motorcycles=good Pictures of motorcycles and half n aked models=Not so much good... 1Journeyman
  12. krautburner

    my new guys (GBTA / GSM's) Pics/vid

    cool, thanks. I took the pics to my LFS, and the guy there said it's not really common, but he had heard that is a way it could "split" it will be awesome if it turns into two, one for each Clown ;) I should get a turkey baster (or something like that) to dirrect feed with mysis shrimp
  13. krautburner

    live rock heeeeeeeeeeeeeelp

    Originally Posted by corallover23 no way i paid 10 bux a pound and i know i will never sell it for that much! from what I've read, anything that's clean and watertight will work, mix up some salt water, and get a heater and a powerhead or two. you could always sell it on craigslist (if...
  14. krautburner

    my new guys (GBTA / GSM's) Pics/vid

    kinda wierd thing I noticed yesterday/today looks like the male may be hosting my leather toadstool (and i don't think the toadstool likes it) it's not been fuzzy looking since tuesday evening
  15. krautburner

    my new guys (GBTA / GSM's) Pics/vid

    Originally Posted by PerfectDark Did some research.... Congrats, there are a few ways that schision occurs... some from a bit of pedal laceration (a part of the foot torn away)... or, in your case. So, you have a clone forming. cool, thanks. I guess it could be from the stress of being pulled...
  16. krautburner

    my new guys (GBTA / GSM's) Pics/vid

    cool cool, maybe the anemone will split, and they will each get one
  17. krautburner

    my new guys (GBTA / GSM's) Pics/vid

    Originally Posted by zoogrl03 My two (mated pair) of clarkii clowns do the same thing. My bigger clown hosts the anemone while the other one doesn't go to it so much, but it seems the two clowns rub against eachother or something along those lines a lot!! the same as in the vid? they don't...
  18. krautburner

    my new guys (GBTA / GSM's) Pics/vid

    Originally Posted by Lmecher Looks like it's budding a baby anemone. that's what I was thinking ???? I talked to my LFS today, he said it could be a way of it "splitting" or a "Birth defect" I don't think it's agression they seem to be cleaining each other, or rubbng on each other. I...
  19. krautburner

    do I count as a "Nano"?

  20. krautburner

    do I count as a "Nano"?
