Search results

  1. rich460

    sand sifting star fish????

    would like to know about pods to.
  2. rich460


    how long does frozen foods last i can not find a date on what i have in the freezer i have had it for about 2mths any infro would be great thanks.:notsure:
  3. rich460

    need help fast

    ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 0 ph 8.0 salinity 1.023 please help i have a hydrometer and i tested it then took a sample to my lfs and it check out the some.the tank is 3mths old i cycled it 5 weeks useing lr only the snails have been in there since the tank cycled.i did a big water...
  4. rich460

    need help fast

    no the only thing i use in the tank is ph buffer but i hope to stop useing that when i start mixing my on salt water. :notsure:
  5. rich460

    need help fast

    all my snails are dead and my emerald crabs are laying and there backs and dont know what happened all my water perimeters are as follows ammonia 0 nitrites 0 nitrates 0 ph 8.0 salinity 1.023 please help :help: :confused:
  6. rich460


    thanks all i will go with Oceanic it got the most votes i was using lfs sw but i check the ph and it was at 7.8 so im going to start mixing my on sw thanks again everyone
  7. rich460


    whats the best salt to buy.:confused:
  8. rich460

    Are my false percs starving?

    no cholland i have to work but i will be in atlanta i have a rt down there.but i will be :cheer: for them.
  9. rich460

    Are my false percs starving?

    we will see cholland GO VOLS :cheer:
  10. rich460

    nano cube

    HighOlive can you give me the parts numbers for you upgrade i would like to do mine asap thanks oh and did you buy your parts online
  11. rich460

    where to find nano tanks

    any small tank will work.check you lfs they should have some are look at walmart.:happyfish
  12. rich460

    Are my false percs starving?

    cool thanks does he sale ls.i have a ls bed but i want to keep it heathy with diff critters so i want to add like 6oz a mth do keep it stocked.and if we play like we did sat we will lose to GA
  13. rich460

    Are my false percs starving?

    lol i hear that sailfin what part of tn you live in been looking for people around tn to trade with and buy frags and stuff im new to this you know if knoxville has any reef clubes are any thing like that. you can email me if you cant post them on here team to beat...
  14. rich460

    trades Charlotte, nc. or close

    can you email me that site your talking about thanks :joy:
  15. rich460

    Sinularia and colt frags soon!!

    if you will ship how much for a colt you can email me at
  16. rich460

    Are my false percs starving?

    are you going to sell any of them bang.:thinking: and GO VOLS
  17. rich460

    can i take live rock from the ocean anduse it

    take a small rock and make a nano tank and see how it works out :joy:
  18. rich460

    New aquascaping...rate

    thats alot of rock buts its cool
  19. rich460

    lighting and powerhead questions

    GO VOLS :jumping:
  20. rich460

    How many emrald crabs?

    i have 3 emrald crabs they cleaned all my rocks very happy with them for now any way.