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  1. bigred

    New tank coming along.

    You'll see a difference. It's amazing what the difference is. Things grow faster and the colors stand out more. Also your electric bill has some differences. LOL. Good luck with you tank. This was the size I started with and now I have a 55 and 112 reef and a 180 FOWLR.
  2. bigred

    Post pics of different color maroons....

    As long as as one is alot smaller because then they will hopefully mate. If they are to close in size they will fight.
  3. bigred


    I have 330 watts of PC on my 55 gal reef tank and I have 3 clams. They are 2 maximas at 2"-3" and 1 3" squamosa. I have had them for a little over a month and the maximas are growing fast. One has grown about 3/4 of a inch. Which is about 4" down in the tank. The others are on the bottom...
  4. bigred

    tank pics

    Originally posted by fishman88 yes plz return the tang dont be stupid like me. and by the way with my tang situation. i have been working on getting him out for 1 month now with no luck. but today i got a bigger net and i am goin to try to get him on sat. wish me luck mike I had to catch...
  5. bigred

    Good or Bad Bristle Pic

    I found these this afternoon in the light which suprised me. There was 4 out but only got a pic of 3. The one that is sticking out of the rock never came out all the way. They are pink ended with black bodies.
  6. bigred


    Glad to hear everything is fine. I too almost had a fire once. I had salt build up between the prongs of my PC's. I came home from work and my tank was smoking from the canopy. My canopy was chared and the socket was fried. Luckyly I came home just in time.
  7. bigred

    Saturday Night Bath

    I was watching my fire shrimp get a ride accross the tank on my Naso the other day it was pretty cool to watch.
  8. bigred

    Please post FOWLR tanks

    Here's my 180 fowlr.
  9. bigred

    which protein skimmer

    I have had Biomatrix skimmers on both my 55 and my 112 for over a year and no prolems. They are a filter skimmer in one. I paid $100 each.
  10. bigred

    something cool and a whazzit

    Did it kind of look like this. It's hard to get it to focus in this pic. Sorry for the fuzz.
  11. bigred

    feeding hammers/frogspawns

    I have spot fed my bubble and my hammer. Also not mentioned is that I have spot fed my open brains but never got my frogspawn to take anything. I thought they were a filter/light feeder.
  12. bigred

    Post pics of different color maroons....

    It's actually my sailfin.
  13. bigred

    Pictures of your 55's

    Just don't put the rock too close to the glass because you won't be able to clean it. I have one spot I can't clean because of the that.
  14. bigred

    Pictures of your 55's

    Originally posted by YAE4Volcom Cool tanks guys! Big red I was assuming you pretty much have all the live stock you can. Which fish do you have in there? I have the ugliest spotted cardinal, flame angel, maroon clown, 1 scarlet cleaner shrimp, 1 fire shrimp, 2 brittle stars, 1 urchin, and...
  15. bigred

    My New tanks setup

    Yeah we don't have any kids yet so we don't really use the dining room to eat. She wasn't to happy with it at first.She is the one that suggested it to be put there. Now I'm trying to sell the hutch and table. I'll keep you post with everything.
  16. bigred

    My New tanks setup

    I'm going to start a business out of my house. I want to try to breed clowns though.
  17. bigred

    My New tanks setup

    here's just about the finished product. I'm going to put cupboard door on the spot with out a tank to put supplies in.
  18. bigred

    Post pics of your 55 & 75 reef please

    55 right
  19. bigred

    Post pics of your 55 & 75 reef please

    55 left almost 2 yaers old