Black almost always looks better, especially if the tank is drilled and the overflows are black. If the back is not painted, the tank just doesn't look finished.
Originally Posted by Johnny&Sin
Leave the Pat's alone....They are still the greatest team EVER!!! Every team does what Bill got caught doing he was just the first one caught...and by his old offensive coordinator who did it with him... Mangeni is a snitch and we all know it. And 100 million...
Originally Posted by Ino
...They deserve a loving leader, just and righteous...
So you think that wild animals respect righteousness and being just and are looking for a "loving leader"? No, this is why they are wild animals and we are the humans.
I recently saw an add in one of SWF's competitors magainzes about not using caulerpa. They were talking about responsible use and not letting it into our water systems, as it does grow like a weed as mentioned above. Something to think about. Also, this post is in the wrong forum.
Originally Posted by TeresaQ
can I add one thing, if you are using a 55 gal as your sump, make sure you have enough clearance to work in the sump. I made this mistake, and cannot get a skimmer in. I should have used a shorter tank for my sump/fuge.
I did the same thing...55g sump for my 125...
There is a big difference between seals and people. Just like someone was advocating cutting off someones hands b/c they suggested cutting shrimp antenna. Clubbed to death like the seals? What a gross over-reaction. In prison for a long time, yes, killed for it, absolutely not.
Coral is a good magazine too. Also, there are some free magazines on the web you could probably find with a little searching. They are really good, comprehensive, and detailed. Worth looking into.