Search results

  1. liverock27

    protien skimmer

    Also, if you add a sump/refug you can put a skimmer in it. I have a protein skimmer in my sump, so you can't see it and it has helped out my water quality.
  2. liverock27

    protien skimmer

    I have a 10gallon and unless you find some where that has 1 to 2lbs rocks, you will not be able to put in 22 or even 20lbs of live rock, IMO. Depending on the amount of sand that is in the tank, that could take up anywhere from 1inch or more. I have 16lbs in my tank and it leaves enough room...
  3. liverock27

    Help me pick out my lighting

    Well, I think you can get the lights for the same price, so I would go with the 96w power quad.
  4. liverock27

    Help me pick out my lighting

    I have the 96w powerquad by coralife and it is great. You probably will not be able to keep the higher light level corals and clams, but I have some montipora caps that are doing great and all of my soft corals, zoos, and mushrooms are growing nicely under it and the colors look great. You can...
  5. liverock27

    Acropora under VHO's: A Test!

    I had the same question about what size MHs to get for a 29gallon. I was looking at 150w, 175w, or 250w, but thought 250w sounded too much.
  6. liverock27

    fav band?

    What do you think about the former members of Helmet joing up with the old singer from Bush (gavan roth (SP?))? They should have learned from Velvet Revolver and others that just because you made one good album with a different band doesn't mean you have the right to polute our airwaves for the...
  7. liverock27

    kitchen nano progress pics (old and new)

    Johnny, Congrats on the up coming addition to the family! Also, I am sure the rest of the people on this site are like me and can't wait to see the new tank. I am curious to see the Refug without any substrate, how do you plant the micro algea?
  8. liverock27

    150, 175, 250??

    I don't have the tank in front of me, but I do know that it is the heigth of a 20gallon regular and the length of a 20gallon long. I am thinking about going with the 150w MH, alot less money, but if I ever wanted to keep acropora and montipora(I am keeping caps under 96watt powerquad in a...
  9. liverock27

    150, 175, 250??

    I am in the planning stages of setting my 29g back up and I have everything figured out for the refug/sump and plumbing, but I am lost on which lighting I should buy. Is there such thing as too much light? I am looking at a setup with 2x65w Actinics and either one 150w, 175w, or 250w MH. I am...
  10. liverock27

    what kind of beer do you like?

    Had my first Yuengling this christmas break while visiting my roommates in PA, great inexpensive (don't like the word cheap) beer. I drink Sweetwater 420, Georgia brewer, and Sierra Nevada Wheat. As for Corona, I think if you have to add a fruit to something it then becomes a winecooler.
  11. liverock27

    fav band?

    Nobody has probably heard of the them, but a great band is The Chamber Brothers (Blues, Jazz, and some Sole mixed together). Other than them got to love some Taj Mahal and a acouple small bands that I have heard in college, Hashbrown and Moonshine Still.
  12. liverock27


    One is orange and the other one is lime and pink. They add some really nice color to the bottom of my tank. I had a hard time getting the orange one to stay in place, so once I did it stayed closed up for a day or so, but now both of them are looking good. I am waiting for my roommate to get...
  13. liverock27

    Georgia Traders or Sellers?

    I know this is old and probably not even checked, but I live in Milledgeville (30-30mins from Macon) and was wondering if yall knew any good places around here for fish or coral. Alos if there are any frags yall want to sell I would be interested.
  14. liverock27

    Small SFE

    Thanks for the info. I am headed to the Farmers Market today and I am going to pick up some different types of seafood and try to see what he likes. Thanks for the reply.
  15. liverock27

    Small SFE

    I have been looking all over the site and have found great ideas and suggestions on what to feed and how to feed a snowflake eel, but everyone has alot larger eel than I do. My girlfriend baught me a small SFE, about 4inches at most the other day. He is the only thing in my 55g except for alot...
  16. liverock27


    I drip Kalk at night and it keeps my Calcium at about 420ppm. Not only did I get one Ricordia this week, but I baught both of the ones at my LFS. They add some great color to my tank.
  17. liverock27

    some pics from avbryce's 10g nano

    What lighting do you have on your tank? Also, I don't think you answered this, but what camera are you using? I am looking for a new camera, mine sucks.
  18. liverock27

    some pics from avbryce's 10g nano

    Great looking pictures. What kind of camera are you using?
  19. liverock27

    Super Glue Gel?

    Thanks golfish. I picked up a thing of it today and am going to use it later in the week on a few frags I am adding. thanks for the tip about keeping it longer.
  20. liverock27

    Super Glue Gel?

    Thanks Reefnut. I was hoping that my question wasn't a stupid one about where to buy it. Thanks again.