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  1. gohabsgo

    from bad to worst....

    every test of nitrite and nitrate are nearly perfect,almost undetectable ,in the past month i bought some coral but nothing as change!!My tank is 50 g and yesterday i change 8 g of water,should i change more tonight ?? Could this be velvet? Please forgive me for the way i write:i'm french...
  2. gohabsgo

    from bad to worst....

    Sorry salt is 1.025 , i'm talking about the post from yesterday about the valentini puffer that died and now the mandarin al that as apen in 36 hour.It start by a discoloration spot and the skin seem to flake .Any help would be appreciated!!Today i called my store here in montreal and they told...
  3. gohabsgo

    from bad to worst....

    Now the mandarin as died from the same mystery ilness!! temp;80 salt 0.25 trite-trate;between 0-0.1 please help fast
  4. gohabsgo

    discoloration spot

    Yesterday night my puffer died ,we all miss him very much .For now all the other fish seem great!!But i still wonder what it was?Verry hard to describe,but it was like wen your skin peel after a sunburn and it getting biger every hour!!The last week he look like he was afraid of the clown...
  5. gohabsgo

    discoloration spot

    now he's laying on the bottom and dos not look good!!!
  6. gohabsgo

    discoloration spot

    Now this morning it's worst and the spot as double in size!!!And now you can see that it's eroded skin!!please help me!!
  7. gohabsgo

    discoloration spot

    And just the other day i was braging to my boyfriend how everything work so good and it's was not that hard (the hobby) blabla... nature has it's ways lol!!!
  8. gohabsgo

    discoloration spot

    I was just in front of the tank when it happen and i dont know, the maroon clown have become litle agressive and he keeps taking pieces of cc with is mouth and drop it everywhere ,so i tought he was afraid of that!! Could this be a result of him touching a coral (elegance)?
  9. gohabsgo

    discoloration spot

    it's like he had a drop of bleach on him ,it's not bumpy or anything ,he still eat but he is more occupied running from 1 shrimp to another!!
  10. gohabsgo

    discoloration spot

    Hi guys! Today when my light opened i saw a white discolored spot on my valentini puffer,yesterday he was fine .The spot is half inch, the puffer dont seem lethargic but he keeps going to one shrimp to another to get clean but with litle succes!! No new addition in the tank,tankmates are maroon...
  11. gohabsgo

    ideas for 1 fish!!!

    hi guys!! i have 50 gal tank,(reef)50 lb of lr with a 24 inch hang on refugium!! for now i have 3 fish and i want to have 5 and that it!! fish i have -green mandarin -maroon clown -yellowtail damsel I already know that my last fish is going to be dwarf angel(lemonpeel or eilbi) but before i need...
  12. gohabsgo

    good news!!!

    2 weeks ago my feather duster lost his crown,i was not sure if he was dead or just molting,tonight with the flashlight i saw the new crown .I am so happy!!!Is it normal to be happy about a worm like that lol
  13. gohabsgo

    qt lettuce??

    hi guys!! Just a litle question ,do i have to qt a lettuce nudibranch? or porcelain crab?? tanks
  14. gohabsgo

    Just found a huge Hitchhiter coral!

    just wow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  15. gohabsgo

    cleaner wrasse

    The thing is ,i trusted the guy at the lfs, i always had a good service and everything!!!!how could i knew his tail would be chew like that!!! And i paid 30 buck for a cleaner wrasse but here in Montreal we pay triple price maybe more and we have like 3-4 lfs in the city...!!!!Ithink you are a...
  16. gohabsgo

    canary blennie

    Your are so lucky ,you can all order whatever you want ,here in Montreal i cannot order from us and everything i paid triple !!!!!
  17. gohabsgo

    canary blennie

    hi everybody! Iwould like to know if someone have experience with a canary blennie,i saw 3 at my lfs and the only thing i know is that they have venim!I would like to know if they have a nice personality or if i would be better with a midas blennie!The canary are 19.99 and the midas are 60.00$!
  18. gohabsgo

    cleaner wrasse

    I had mine 3 weeks was eating frozen and then my maroon clown eat his tail until you could see the flesh poor guy!! and poor me because i paid 30$$
  19. gohabsgo

    damsel and tomato

    my yellowtail damsel was my first fish ,and th maroon came after! I had ich and did hypo ,after i put back the clown first ,2 week later i put the damsel back and now the clown is the boss.
  20. gohabsgo

    Almost bought a green Mandarin

    now i understand why i saw like a litle dusty thing on him so i back off and change my mind!!!I can always go back But better be safe than sorry,i learned that tanks a lot guys