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  1. msch1999

    Picture taking questions

    I am using a canon S5
  2. msch1999

    Fish bag question

    It would not let pm you.
  3. msch1999

    Fish bag question

    here is the link...
  4. msch1999

    Fish bag question

    Thats what I was thinking. Thanks
  5. msch1999

    new 120 reef pics

    Lookin good. What are the dimensions of the sump?
  6. msch1999

    Fish bag question

    I am looking at buying some bags for transporting/shipping frags. I found 6X12X1.5 mil (2000 bags) for about $27 shipped, or 4X12X2 mil (1000 bags) for about $30 shipped.They are not from the same supplier. Does anyone have any recommendations on bag size or thickness? I don't know if I need a...
  7. msch1999


    Ordered 12 feet also. Thank You
  8. msch1999

    Anyone have some nice photos? Now is the time to get them published!

    Here is a picture of my bright green candy cane coral. It is probably one of my favorites.
  9. msch1999

    Metal halide hqi replacement bulb question

    I am running 3 250 watt Hqi with the 14k Pheonix, and I like them.
  10. msch1999

    Hippo Tang pics here

    The fish is eating great, I have not noticed any change in his/her behavior. It is the first blue hippo I ever owned. I hope there is nothing wrong.
  11. msch1999

    How do I eliminate green star polyps?

    yup, still comes back.Not as much, but it comes back in less than a week.
  12. msch1999

    How do I eliminate green star polyps?

    I have a few rocks that some green star polyps grew onto, and now I cant get rid of them. I tried peeling them off, and using a kalk paste. Breaking the rock will eliminate some of the zoos on the rock, so I do not want to do that either. Are there any suggestions on how I can eliminate these...
  13. msch1999

    Hippo Tang pics here

    Here is a pic of my hippo.He just turned darker about a month ago.
  14. msch1999

    Food For Sixline Wrasse?

    I feed mine spectrum pellets
  15. msch1999

    Did my shrimp have a bad molt?

    My shrimp molts about once a month, but I never noticed if the antennas were shorter
  16. msch1999

    My new SPS

    Looks good