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  1. gobyguy9686

    Poss stock lst plz suggest

    i am planning to get a 55 gal tank is thi stock list ok 2 firefish gobies 1 hawiian spotted puffer 2 percula clowns 2 pencil urchins 3 emerald crabs 1 cleaner shrimp please make suggestions if needed
  2. gobyguy9686

    Need some help...plz

    i am hoping to get a cleaner shrimp but i also want a hawiian spotted puffer does anyone know if it will bother my shrimp because it doesnt say on its bio thnx
  3. gobyguy9686


    im just setting up an FO tank with live rock but will it still be ok??
  4. gobyguy9686

    What is a hypo????

    thankyou all for the insite it will help
  5. gobyguy9686

    NCAcura's 75 Gallon Tank

    nice pics
  6. gobyguy9686

    What is a hypo????

    i am reading up on diseases to make sure i can prevent any and i keep hearing of a procedure called hypo can anyone tell me wat it is and how it is done thnx
  7. gobyguy9686

    Cycles i need help

    when would i add my live sand???
  8. gobyguy9686

    Is it ok?????

    kk thnx
  9. gobyguy9686

    Is it ok?????

    then is it ok to get a clarkii clown fish and will they still behave the smae without an anemone
  10. gobyguy9686

    Clarkii help???

    i am planning to get 2 clarkiis and i was woundering if they will act the same without an anemone because i am also hoping to get some gobies i need some advise
  11. gobyguy9686

    Is it ok?????

    is it safe to get an anemone with 2 gobies and a basslet???
  12. gobyguy9686

    Clarkiis ???

    i am planning to get 2 clarkiis and i was woundering if they will act the same without an anemone because i am also planning to get 2 gobies and a basslet... thnx for ur help
  13. gobyguy9686


    so dont get them if im goin to have live rock
  14. gobyguy9686


    Is it safe to get 2 purple urchins for my 55 gal tank and what do i need to do to make them happy
  15. gobyguy9686

    Quarintine tank

    what is a good size for a quarintine tank???
  16. gobyguy9686

    Is this ok?????

    i am starting a 55 gal tank and i am hoping to put 5 fish in that to much and if not will firefish gobies,tobacco Basslet and clarkii clownfish be ok and it says that the clown fish doesnt need an anemonie but will it still act a live the same around live rock? thankyou for your time
  17. gobyguy9686

    Is it needed???

    is a wave maker necesary for a begginer tank??? sorry for the mix up
  18. gobyguy9686

    FireFish Goby ???

    Are firefish gobys a good starting fish... i have done research on them but i need opinions
  19. gobyguy9686

    waterflow recomend

    for a 55 tall tank what kind of wtaerflow would be good
  20. gobyguy9686

    Starting tank

    Hello i am starting a 55 gallon tank and i nned to know what i would need to do to get the water ready for fish thank you for helping