Originally Posted by teejaypee
Vlamingi tang
Male Blonde Naso
Emperor Angel
Sailfin Tang
Hippo Tang
Neon Wrasse
Diamond Watchman Gobie
Blue Throat Trigger
Pajama Cardinal
Tomato clown
Maroon clown
Coral beauty
Royal gramma
2 green chromis
Can anyone tell my why I shouldnt add a green...
Originally Posted by ClownFiSH11
im taking spanish 2 on wednesday
you've got to remember that everyone outside of wisconson doesnt have the same classes as you. btw exams suck at college level.
i wouldnt put them in. i would probably look into a chiller, yes i know theyre expensive, but its necessary. while fish can live in 82, it is not recommended.
also, what kind of biological filtration do you have and how much e.g. dsb, live rock, fuge. also, if you dont have a protein skimmer getting one would help. it doesnt remove nitrates but it removes food and other wastes that cause high nitrates.
its disgusting in new york. my school is under construction, so nothing works. have you ever tried taking a final exam in an 85 degree room. the kicker is that none of the water fountains work b/c the plumbing is being replaced, most of the bathrooms dont even have water.
i can definitly say i...
ive never heard of extended use being connected to red rings of death. most of the people i know that got it had it the first time they turned it on, but you can still get it after if you have it connected to the net. me and my friends have played on mine for at least six hours at a time and...
theres lots of blueprints/vids on the internet. also, dont use ANYTHING really flammable (i.e., gasoline, carosene, lighter fluid) just use something like axe, or the potato gun could explode.
i hate when i see people like this. i have a friend who went through like 3 dogs because they insisted on getting a puppy because they are so cute, but would give it to a pound because they chew on the furniture. mind that i was 5 at the time, so i would just directly say "you know theyre going...
this is why i dont watch nba. just in this thread at least 10 players have been named the biggest wusses. most nba players just cant grin and bear it. thats why i watch hockey. i saw a guy slash his cheek open. he got sitched up and was back on the ice in less than ten minutes. im not saying...
my dads awesome. he taught me how to make all of those things; tnt, thermite, flaming potato gun... then again, he said that if he ever saw me actually trying to make anything, besides the potato one, he'd kill me.
you guys get out so early. i dont get out till friday, and i still have two state exams the week after. do you guys have to go back early too? i go back like sept. 5th.
that would be more than enough for both of them. you could have a yellow, purple, and blue in there, with a lot of room to spare. are there any other tangs you wanted to get?