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  1. debbie

    shrimp question

    Anyone here have a Bumble Bee Shrimp?? How easy are they to keep in the home aquarium?? Will they eat frozen prepared foods (mysis, brine etc)??
  2. debbie

    cleanershrimp & eggs

    Ya I have not decided yet if I will do that cause if I do everything goes. Its not really alot of work, its quite pretty now that things are bigger in there too. I lost one of my yellow clown gobies due to carpet surfing but I still have the other one whom seems really lost now.... Do you have...
  3. debbie

    cleanershrimp & eggs

    Hey there, I never left just not posting lately. With just a 3 gal pico not a whole lot exciting going on here. How is your tank doing Nissan?? I have been seriously thinking about selling all in my little pico as I kind of lost interest in it. I still have my beautiful 46 gal bowfront Discus...
  4. debbie

    cleanershrimp & eggs

    I just noticed my cleaner shrimp in packing some eggs. Its the only shrimp in the tank how can this be?? What will happen to them??
  5. debbie

    Snail help

    Well put Cranberry.... Another thing folks don't think of is the lack of natural food for these guys. Maybe you have to many in the tank for the amount of food in there for them. Just try a few and see how they do then add a couple more if you need to. It seem so many people load their tanks up...
  6. debbie

    Snail help

    If you see them upside down flip them over, sometimes they can get upright and other times not and will die. Then if you have crabs and they cannot get turned over rightside the crabs will have dinner for sure.
  7. debbie

    Gsp In Trouble?!?!

    They look really healthy and clean. Extra flow on them as suggested and they will open up when ready. Mine do this all the time. They are so neat swaying in the water with their bright green color I to love them but do keep them in check as they spread really fast. I even have mine on the sand...
  8. debbie

    what kind of zoa is this

    Originally Posted by Stanlalee both just common zoas but you can make up a fancy name for them and jack up the price if you sell them like everybody else. How true
  9. debbie

    Any picos out there?

    cranberry, nice little tank. Say what kind of filter are you running on that tank and what kind of angler do you have in there?? Any pic of angler??
  10. debbie

    Any picos out there?

    Ya I think I will just leave everything in the 3 gal instead of having the 2 tanks going. The GSP are not that big, they are alot smaller but I am going to put them back on the rock they were in that pic and in no time I will be once again trimming that is for sure. Not sure if I am going to...
  11. debbie


    Thank You....
  12. debbie

    Any picos out there?

    I don't have the 1 gal going at this time. I moved everything over to the 3 gal. But i sure miss the 1 gal. I think I might get it going again and move my GSP and Zoas into it. Say I asked this already but no replies yet on the reef forum. If i were to leave lights 9 watts on the 1 gal all the...
  13. debbie

    New Rics

    Beautiful find. My favorite the Florida Ricordea's. I have an orange one and a purple ones. When they split they will move over and form their own. The Yumas drop babies along the way but these guys split. So no need to do anything unless they become loose, you would then want to make sure you...
  14. debbie

    metallic green star polyps QUESTION

    I love GSP probably my second favorite to my Rics, some folks just hate them though. They give such nice contrast and movement to the tank. With that, I had some on a flat piece of rock and wanted to know what they would do if I did not cut them back. Yes they will keep growing out onto the sand...
  15. debbie


    I am wanting to start my 1 gal pico up to move some frags into it, GSP and zoas with one snail. Would it be harmful to keep my lights on this little tank all the time??
  16. debbie

    Any picos out there?

    Here is a pic of my 1 gal pico that is no longer going because i moved everything to the next picture which is my 3 gal pico. I do miss the 1 gal though and might put it back up again and move my zoas into it with the pom pom crab. Not sure though. I love these pico's never had an issue with...
  17. debbie

    6 gallon nano cube questions

    Hello first off an anemone can get quite large for that size of tank. They really do much better in bigger systems than what you have. Also they should never be added to a system that is less than 6 months old. Secondly, the clowns don't need an anemone to be happy. Most of the clowns like percs...
  18. debbie

    xenia issues

    Thanks all for the replies. It seems to be doing alright, not as nice as the place where I got it from. My lights are a total of 18 watts not just 9 watts My temp is a constant 78 degrees I will just leave it be and see what happens with it.
  19. debbie

    xenia issues

    I was given a frag of some waving hand coral (xenia, anthelia) I think its all the same regarding growing?? Anyhow it is now shrinking and a pale whiteish color, what can I do to save this stuff and get it growing?? Tank: 3 gal pico with 9 watts 10,000 k plus 9 watts true actinic PC fixture
  20. debbie

    help me decide!

    Originally Posted by pleasants9 as a seguay on this topic, what are some other corals besides anemones that a clown has been known to host? Mushrooms, mine particularily liked the green hair mushrooms