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  1. fallensynner

    Attn: fallensynner on Starting 180

    srry for tanking so long to write. thank u very much for the info. i dont have any tank right now its just i wanted a heads up for wat needs to be done. i had a 180g reef tank(i maintaned the tank and got everything but they paid for everything) but my parents sold everything right before the...
  2. fallensynner

    Recovering from Tank Wipe Out - help!

    for the next time u leave on any trip make sure u have someone to come to ur house at least once a day to check the tank while ur gone. i always have someone come in once a day to make sure things are a ok and to add the chems to the tank
  3. fallensynner

    water change debate

    question leopard - how much did u spend feeding ur pred tank a month? wat exactly did u feed them? how often, every day or 2 times a week or...?how much did ur light bill go up do to the tank?im looking into buying a 180g to make a pred tank. what kind of pred fish do u have exactly? what...
  4. fallensynner

    water change debate

    ok once a week is 2 much i had a 180g reef tank and i did a water change every 2 to 3 weeks. depending on wat was going on but the max was about 3 weeks if it looks a little to cloudy try every 2 weeks and then see in 2 weeks if it is nice and clear do it every 3 weeks but if not every 2 weeks i...
  5. fallensynner

    The puffer that was safe?

    no its fine to put in ur tank leopard and the puffers are a flip of the coin on if they dont eat invert and wat kind.
  6. fallensynner


    um they sell oysters at this website???? if u want that wat ur looking for
  7. fallensynner

    Feather Duster?

    not sure, but dont wrry they r very hardy and will thrive usually no matter wat. give it time and it should be bak to norm.
  8. fallensynner

    Getting first clam in a week!!!

    make sure ur lights are strong and its healthy ooo and make sure ur tanks been up at least 8 months.
  9. fallensynner

    Need advice to sell my aquarium

    craigslist but u wont get much i saw a 180g tank with everything coral fish water and so on $450 where i live
  10. fallensynner

    Banded Cat Shark

    he said it would be fine cause it takes 5 sec for him to take it out of a 75 and put it in a 100 the 150 then 200 as it grows but for us reg ppl who buy a tank for a fish. that wont work.
  11. fallensynner

    14/28 Gallon Nano tank

    i like the 24g aqua pod. u must buy the one with the best lights if u r going to have coral.
  12. fallensynner

    yellow dwarf and zebra dwarf

    i would say 2 full grown fuzzy dwarf lions are fine to have but three is pushing it. srry not sure on the price range for the yellow dwarf cause iv seen the red and zebra dwarf but non other dwarfs
  13. fallensynner

    branching hammer coral questions

    wat can i say everything is answered to the dot
  14. fallensynner

    Banded Cat Shark

    lololololololol if that was possible u would see more ppl with a shark in a 75g so no u cant that needs at least 180g
  15. fallensynner


    just wait and see
  16. fallensynner

    8gallon Biocube or 14gallon Biocube?

    14g bigger is the way. more fish more corrlas more invert more everything when its bigger
  17. fallensynner

    92 gallon corner tank

    where do u live?
  18. fallensynner

    i can't believe it

    awww dude that sucks. i had a 180 and the fish in the tank got ich once and the all died but 2 clowns which were about 20 fish. then an anenome went threw the filter and poisoned the water and killed another 25 fish and luckily the coral were good cause of the water change and then my tank...
  19. fallensynner

    Will a Valentini or Niger Trigger Work in my Tank??

    ok the niger is out of the question because he gets to be 20 inches id say at least a 90g. shoot for anything above 100g u want the animal to have space not just wat he needs and then hes picking at all the other fish cause hes stressed. the valentine puffer - u have enough space but he will eat...
  20. fallensynner

    Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish

    lololololol, never heard of that they usually give u wat they feel like. the other lionfish are a different story though.