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  1. spsfreak100

    what is the difference between a montipora and an acropora and an encrusting coral?

    M. stilosa -- notice that there are no visible corallites.
  2. spsfreak100

    what is the difference between a montipora and an acropora and an encrusting coral?

    Acropora spp. -- Notice the corallites on the coral (Or, in other words, the "cup" which contains the coral polyp).
  3. spsfreak100

    what is the difference between a montipora and an acropora and an encrusting coral?

    what are the differences between the monti and acro besides the genus? The most noticable difference is that the genus Acropora has corallites (Both Radial, Axial, and Incipient) on the outside of the coenosteum rather than within the coral (like the genus Montipora). Graham
  4. spsfreak100

    what is the difference between a montipora and an acropora and an encrusting coral?

    Acro & Monti are two different Genus of SPS corals. Bang is correct. Acropora and Montipora are two Genus of coral. Both, however, are in the family Acroporidae. As Bang also stated, encrusting is a growth form of a coral. Graham
  5. spsfreak100

    Vote for your favorite skimmer!!

    Euro-Reefs are as good as they are expensive :) I have a Euro-Reef CS-82 and I coudln't be happier. Graham
  6. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

    kpk Thanks! Fortunately, the tank is far from full :) I still have plenty of places for mounting frags and letting them grow out. My entire system only contains corals which are either Branching & Plating, nothing else. All of my Acroporids are either Staghorns (A. formosa, A. yongei, A...
  7. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

    NMreef, Thanks for the kind words! I know I haven't been around lately, I've been extremely busy lately and haven't had the time to log on and answer posts. However, posting at 3:38am seems to work for me :D Take Care, Graham
  8. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

  9. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

    'Behind the scenes:'
  10. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

    I've noticed many colors of zoanthids poping up lately. I've recently noticed several sky-blue zoanthids growing in back of the tank.
  11. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

    Topdown shot:
  12. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

    lopeyc, Thank you! Shoreliner11 I'm as suprised as you are at the growth that I'm getting. If you didn't know, the tank is "officially" only 3 months old; however, all liverock and sand (as well as tank, for that matter) came from a previous setup which was torn down that day and moved to my...
  13. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

    A. microtphalma 6-16-04 (roughly 1" of growth)
  14. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

    A. microtphalma (Date unknown, It's sometime in mid May)
  15. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

  16. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

  17. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

  18. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

    A. prostrata 4-16-04
  19. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

  20. spsfreak100

    Growth Shots (Image Intense)

    A. nasuta 5-28-04