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  1. pagano24

    need help

    im gonna try to take a picture
  2. pagano24

    need help

    cranberry didnt help, didnt even respond. so anybody out there that can help please do
  3. pagano24

    need help

    big ones as in they were red getting more pinkish as they grow longer. they are well over 5-7 inches long. Is there a way to take out my live rocks and let them sit for a day or two or will that just ruin my rocks?
  4. pagano24

    need help

    i have alot of big bristle worms in my tank and i have been trying home made traps but not working. What should i do to get these guys out? I also wanted to buy a bubble anenome for my clownfish, will the bristles harm the bubble?
  5. pagano24

    help me

    im sorry i was wrong, this is the lamp i have i just found the box. Coralife 36 Inch Aqualight Compact Fluor. Retrofit Kit W/ 1-96W 50/50 Lamp Square Pin. I looked online for reviews but nobody has said anything. i have alot of flow in my tank and good filtration but not enough money...
  6. pagano24

    help me

    Coralife Aqualight Compact Fluorescent Retrofit Kit, 2X96 Watt, 36 inch This is the exact name of my light.Would you say this could do the job?
  7. pagano24

    help me

    i think i have a retro fit 100 watt light. would that be enough if all i want is the one coral? im trying for my pair of maroons to host in it.
  8. pagano24

    help me

    but it has a mouth and stings and splits like an anenome. Are you telling me it wont host?
  9. pagano24

    help me

    I have a 46 gallon aquarium. it just have live rock and fish. I want to buy a frogspawn anenome for my clownfish to host, but i feel i dont have enough light. My question is what is the least amount of light in watts (in your opinion) could i use?
  10. pagano24

    aiptasia help?

    yea i was trying to see if those were the worms that u mike was talking about. Are they called tube worms though, i thought they were spaghetti worms, but mike if this is what u have they are harmless.
  11. pagano24

    aiptasia help?

    i heard the shrimps u have are suppose to eat aiptasia. I also have the same problem with aptasia as well and i bought this stuff called Aiptasia-X and it works really well, instantly burns them away. Keep in mind though if u dont get them all the multiply quickly. About ur white worms do they...
  12. pagano24

    water problem

    i dont use anything to move the top of the water. should i point one of my powerheads up there or my jebo filter bar
  13. pagano24

    water problem

    can somebody tell me why just the top of my water turns green sometimes. i have had my water checked and everything is fine with it, but every now and then the top gets a coat of green, why?
  14. pagano24

    need help

    will they harm my anemone's at all? How big of a hole do i drill in the middle of the pvc and just leave the hole alone and they cant find a way out of it?
  15. pagano24

    need help

    good warning, thanks. one morning i woke up and seen them eating my damsel and was worried they are harming my fish. i know everybody says they dont harm fish but some people say they do.
  16. pagano24

    need help

    thanks for the help guys. i also heard the six line will eat them as well as maybe arrow crabs. How do i know when the bristles are bad and when they are good?I really feel i have to much though but im not a pro.
  17. pagano24

    need help

    My tank is being over ran by bristle worms if anybody knows the best way to get rid of these guys, please help me.
  18. pagano24

    Placing Equipment

    i was stupid and forgot to rinse it. Last i checked all my water tests were fine, but im going to bring a sample tomorrow to my lfs. how bad could not rinsing it be. Should i change my water tomorrow?
  19. pagano24

    Placing Equipment

    help... ever since i put the new powerhead in my fish have been acting wierd. it might not be cause of the power head but something is wrong. i just had a damsel die in front of my eyes, but before the new ph when i woke up this morning my tiny blue tang was dead. What the hell is happening?
  20. pagano24

    Placing Equipment

    its a 48g bow front tank. i have it set up like the bar on the right, then below it i put#1 powerhead then right below that i put the nano. so its like a line down. it looks like these lines. --- - -