help me


I have a 46 gallon aquarium. it just have live rock and fish. I want to buy a frogspawn anenome for my clownfish to host, but i feel i dont have enough light. My question is what is the least amount of light in watts (in your opinion) could i use?


Originally Posted by pagano24
I have a 46 gallon aquarium. it just have live rock and fish. I want to buy a frogspawn anenome for my clownfish to host, but i feel i dont have enough light. My question is what is the least amount of light in watts (in your opinion) could i use?
isnt frogspawn a coral.


It may host....or may never know...I have read where some clowns host some wierd things.....Frogspawn is not a natural host, but it happens often
getting back to your question...I had frogspawn do very well under a satellite dual
what lighting do you have?


Originally Posted by pagano24
but it has a mouth and stings and splits like an anenome. Are you telling me it wont host?
IT may look like and act like and anemone but it isnt. Its possible that your clownfish may host it. I have to marroon clowns that host my pulsing xenia.


i think i have a retro fit 100 watt light. would that be enough if all i want is the one coral? im trying for my pair of maroons to host in it.


LOL...Not sure what a retro fit light is....
Mine has 4 65W bulbs....2 are white.....2 are actinic
P.S. the white are 10K


Coralife Aqualight Compact Fluorescent Retrofit Kit, 2X96 Watt, 36 inch
This is the exact name of my light.Would you say this could do the job?


Active Member
It won't flourish in that lighting but probably keep it alive.
Don't count on your clowns hosting it or even hope for it. If it happened I'd be really surprised.


You could try...but put it high in the tank....and as I said earlier...and Jackri says....don't expect the clowns to hop in it
I have one....and a bubble tip anemone, and my clowns host the freakin filter pipes


Active Member
I have a HUGE piece of frogspawn.. had a carpet anemone... have a RBTA in my frag tank -- the clown in the main tank stays in a cave... the 2 in my frag tank just swim around and host nothing either.
It can be iffy for clowns to take an anemone even.


im sorry i was wrong, this is the lamp i have i just found the box. Coralife 36 Inch Aqualight Compact Fluor. Retrofit Kit W/ 1-96W 50/50 Lamp Square Pin.
I looked online for reviews but nobody has said anything. i have alot of flow in my tank and good filtration but not enough money for a new light. Ive heard bubbles are hard to take care of. What would u guys recomend?


HMMMM...That is not very much light....IDK...You can not keep any anemone in that...and I am not even sure about a Frogspawn either


Originally Posted by pagano24
would that be enough if all i want is the one coral?
My frogspawn does well in a lower lit area of my tank, but overall I have more light on my tank.
The amount of light you have on your tank does not relate to the quantity of coral, but the species and its requirements.
So placing less corals in your tank will not mean they will do better than if you had more corals.
This of course assumes your coral is not shading out a neighbor.