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  1. pezenfuego


    I saw it opening day with my friend. I'd post a picture of her costume, but I had better ask first. She even paid for me which was awesome. I've seen it two other times. I only paid once. I have some good friends. Coming from someone who typically prefers to not see a movie in 3D, the 3D is...
  2. pezenfuego

    Young man at pet store

    Put your mouth on it and suck out most of the air. Don't swallow the water. Make sure you put the end of the hose below the waterline when you do this to create a gravity siphon. Good luck.
  3. pezenfuego

    DIY ATO With Peace of Mind and Fail-Safe?

    In reality there are products already in existence to minimize the issue of failures. This is discussion for the sake of discussion. I presented a hypothetical and received an answer. Anything else?
  4. pezenfuego

    A few questions...

    If you are feeling ambitious, you can go with an ATO (automatic top-off). Check out my thread for one example (link by my name). Lids and covers are ugly. You can use the search feature or google to see hundreds of different examples of ATO. Good luck!
  5. pezenfuego

    DIY ATO With Peace of Mind and Fail-Safe?

    The hypothetical situation was dealing with safety in numbers. Add a float valve and the likelihood of a failure is halved. It thought it was an interesting idea. That's all. As I stated, I never planned on actually doing it. I never said anything about a 180 gallon reserve for ATO.
  6. pezenfuego

    DIY ATO With Peace of Mind and Fail-Safe?

    It's all relative and semantic. A large aquarium has a large reservoir relative to the reservoir of a small aquarium. Dumping the entire reservoir into a tank is no bueno. It will negatively affect the tank's salinity level. I know I didn't need to explain that to you.
  7. pezenfuego

    BioCube 29 Diary-- A College Student's First Saltwater Tank!

    I am also a college student setting up a tank. Do you have to lug it back and forth to school? Mine is only 4 gallons. I too am interested in seeing your progress. Good luck. This is a great place to get advice and share your experiences.
  8. pezenfuego

    DIY ATO With Peace of Mind and Fail-Safe?

    I agree entirely about not relying on switches. Thanks for the response. I thought they worked by sending a small current through the mechanism. If the switch was down, the connection would be completed. My friend gave a mechanical explanation. It sounds like we were both right. If I ever get a...
  9. pezenfuego

    DIY ATO With Peace of Mind and Fail-Safe?

    I have been thinking about ATO and how devastating it can be when they fail. So then I started to wonder, what about adding three or four float valves? Of course I would never do this to my tank, but in a very large aquarium with a very large reserve, this would be a fantastic idea. That way if...
  10. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by smallreef Freakin' awesome! Quote: Originally Posted by meowzer Looking that Gumby I see??? ;) Thanks guys. And yes, I neglected to clean my room for you. I JUST moved back into this room, so I'm taking this time to be lazy. Yes, that is Gumby. I'm a fan.
  11. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Also, the pH problem was simply due to poor aeration. I aimed the return at the surface last night and just tested it. It was 8.2.
  12. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    New light-pictures to come. I got a Milwauki pH tester and calibrated it. My water tested 7.7, which is pretty darn low. I'll test more later and test a batch of saltwater before a change. But I'm wondering what I should do if my change water and tank water have low pH.
  13. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    I'm finally discovering critters. I found a few bristle worms and I believe some vermetid snails. When I was basting the live rock, I saw quite a few webs. On the brighter side, very little algae is making a presence. I am not currently feeding though. Plan: 1) New light 2) The Journey Home 3)...
  14. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    My first trip home with the tank was a success. The temperature dropped down to 70 degrees though. I need to find a way to remedy that in the future, but ultimately everything seems to be thriving now. I'm actually back at school, but things are looking up.
  15. pezenfuego

    Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jerthunter Just for fun, the color is blue right here (indicating spot of 475 nm light), and turns green here (indicating spot corresponding to 510 nm). Can't spot the magenta, but two out of three ain't bad right? That would be great if there were three questions =P
  16. pezenfuego

    Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower LOL...I thought he was pointing out that that color prism was incorrect....between red and blue should be purple, between blue and yellow should be just green, not a weird glowing light blue. Between red and yellow should be orange....etc...etc... Blurred...
  17. pezenfuego

    Evolution vs. Intelligent Design

    An argument that is commonly made, but hasn't on here: Point to the place on here where green ends and blue begins. As an added challenge, where is magenta on this color spectrum?
  18. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Water changes go quickly! As a little update, the tank no longer has any diatom algae, which is great. Now it has a green algae, which is not great. But the green algae is very light and when I do a water change later this week, it should die off a bit. I'm not sure what kind of algae it is...
  19. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by Gemmy Is that livestock I see in that tank? It's about time, right? I won't be able to get anything else until after Christmas. Luckily, none of these guys need me to feed them, so the feedings have stopped all together.