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  1. pezenfuego

    Starting my first salt aquarium

    Quote: Originally Posted by bkweibley N00b question, what is FOWLR? Fish Only With Live Rock I really think the blue makes everything look a little bit better, but that's just my opinion.
  2. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by Gemmy Have you checked out the green banded goby? They look great. I had not considered that one! Thanks for the suggestion. I am going to keep this in mind. I was looking into a yellow clown goby mostly because yellow is my favorite color. But I have to consider...
  3. pezenfuego

    Clown Fish Wont Host To Anemones?

    Quote: Originally Posted by MontanaReefer I bought a picaso clown a few weeks ago and it still has not taken to my rose bubble tip anemone. I purchased a colored condy anemone last week and the clown hasnt even looked at it? I thought clowns and anemones where like peas in a pod? Is there...
  4. pezenfuego

    Starting my first salt aquarium

    Quote: Originally Posted by bkweibley So that is a really good deal then? Also is that light mainly for if I get corals, or do the fish need it no matter what? Quote: Originally Posted by bkweibley So that is a really good deal then? Also is that light mainly for if I get corals, or do the...
  5. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by smallreef I say a maxi-mini and 2 sexy shrimp!!! would be so cute in there.. and then a whole bunch of zoas and mushrooms :) A maxi-mini? I know I'm small, but I have a heavy flow... That might have been a tad too inappropriate. In all seriousness, I love the way...
  6. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    It's been a slow day. I went ahead and did an ammonia test. 0.5 ppm.
  7. pezenfuego

    Starting my first salt aquarium

    Quote: Originally Posted by bkweibley I found a light for sale on craigslist, 36" so if I do go with a 46 gallon it would be the right size. Its a t5ho 4 lamp light with 4 led moonlights. It has saltwater bulbs 2x 39W T5 HO lamps 10000K 2x 39W T5 HO lamps Actinic Blue. They say they bought...
  8. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by florida joe yes but you toss the dice as to where they will set up shop. Very true...I'll just get a Naso tang and call it a day.
  9. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by florida joe Ugly brown?? Well I guess beauty is in the eye of the hobbyist. Although they can get rather plain looking if one does not have decent water quality. A nice thing about the symbiotic relationship between Curly Q and Pistol is that the anemone tends to...
  10. pezenfuego

    Who are you (member photo thread)

    I have a lot of nicknames: Keebler, King of the B*tch Elves, King of the Bookshelves, and Captain Homewrecker to name a few. That may or may not explain the above picture. My facial hair changes all the time-usually because of a girl.
  11. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by florida joe Give a curly Q anemone and a pistol shrimp some thought I'm not a big fan of the curly Qs either, but I'll give the pistol shrimp some thought. I used to own one and loved it. He set up shop in a place that was easy to see from the front of the tank. My...
  12. pezenfuego

    Woohoo!!!!! I'm getting some free corals :)

    Congrats! That is awesome!
  13. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Sexy shrimp Sexy shrimp 1 nass, 2 asterina 1 red mythrax or green if you wish. A sexy shrimp on a frogspawn or hammer would look pretty awesome. Make absolutely sure you put him directly on the coral or else he may be gone forever. Tank looks great! I...
  14. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    I really need to invest in some windex because the tank itself looks horrible. The lidless look is great though. It's time to start seriously thinking about livestock. I want 100 million different types of coral, but I think that is the real downfall of most reef tanks. Just keeping a couple of...
  15. pezenfuego

    SOUP SANDWICH's 24g Nano-Cube

    Quote: Originally Posted by SOUP SANDWICH I really do want to get a flasher wrasse, or at least some type of wrasse cause of the colors and how active they are. The only issue is that I've been told they will eat all my crustaceans, haha. Though now after researching it a bit I can't find any...
  16. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by Gemmy I like that rock work in the last pic!! I can just envision the coral placements. I would ditch the lid. I am not a fan of them. You can always put mesh on the tank as a cover. Thanks luvmyreef and thanks Gemmy. I think I will remove it. If I get a jumper, I'll...
  17. pezenfuego

    Clownfish Breeding

    Wow, I'm following this one. Good Luck!
  18. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by smallreef I dont think that looks personal preferance is an island in the middle but your rock may not work for far as chaeto up against can burn..but more importantly it cant move... as far as the lights just let me know...they are only...
  19. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by smallreef LOL looking good! Have you found a chaeto light yet? If not I have a cheap submersible LED light (from china) that I could send you? (it has 2 white sets and 2 blue sets but you can use only one or 2 or all 4....I had them in my 12g pod and worked well)...
  20. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Id say thats about 70% rock. Where are your corals going to be smushed in? Did you read the previous post? I just threw that rock in. I'm aquascaping now. I might use half of it. Maybe even less. Even with all of these options, I just can't seem to get...