Search results

  1. pezenfuego

    Good tank mates with a couple ocellaris clowns in a 29g?

    Based on the info ive been given on selecting fish, ive pretty much planned my entire tank's livestock. Ive grouped based on demands/compatibility. So let me know what you think please! :) 1- White Pygmy Angel (maybe. still discussing this one with myself. will take out if need be) MAYBE...
  2. pezenfuego

    Good tank mates with a couple ocellaris clowns in a 29g?

    Depends on the snails. Check out a few types and refine that portion of your list.
  3. pezenfuego

    cycling stage questions

    Quote: Originally Posted by saxman All the men in Renee's family seem to be colorblind, and altho she isn't, she has a tuff time with reading some of the test results. Since I'm not always there to read the "iffy" test results, here's our solution: Life is always a little better with a martini
  4. pezenfuego

    Good tank mates with a couple ocellaris clowns in a 29g?

    Quote: Originally Posted by Flower Welcome to the site! Like Snake said, you can only keep one pair of clownfish in a 30g. As for fish stock ideas...A Royal Gramma OR an orchid dottyback, you would have to choose one or the other because they fight, but both are very beautiful fish. My all...
  5. pezenfuego

    Good tank mates with a couple ocellaris clowns in a 29g?

    Hop on saltwater or site that sells saltwater fish. Look at every fig they have. Open up fish you like in new tabs and then read the descriptions. If it can't be kept in your tank with a pair of clowns, close the tab. Narrow it down that way and come up with a stock list to post here. I...
  6. pezenfuego

    Questions about auto top off

    Quote: Originally Posted by Jstdv8 So I've had an auto top off unit for a looong time and never installed it. I was thinking of getting a 55 gallon drum for freshwater and puting the pump in there and just adding new water to it with my RODI. My questions are. 1.) should I have two small drums...
  7. pezenfuego

    Water Changes-Galloping Elephants Meet Pouncing Lions

    Quote: Originally Posted by beaslbob only for nitrates, ammonia, and so on. calcium, alk, magnesium are present in the replacement water. And again because it is all linear just compute the end results with 0 in the replacement water then add the amount in the replacement water. and because...
  8. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by florida joe IMO this combo may work for you in the future candy, blue Zoe and that’s a blue acro frag I just picked up But stay away from polys they will over run your tank. Remember to CORAL DIP Beautiful
  9. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    I guess those nitrates aren't hurting anything right now. I'll skip the water change and start in on a ghost feeding schedule.
  10. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by florida joe Looking at post 85 I would put number 8 at number 1. Let the tank stabilize. Why do a” hefty” water change? Allow the nitrifying and denitrifying proses to start to establish itself. As far as upgrading your lighting remember to take into consideration...
  11. pezenfuego

    Water Changes-Galloping Elephants Meet Pouncing Lions

    Quote: Originally Posted by beaslbob One of the things in my various attempts to simplify all this that I found out it that the galloping elephants before the water change is a fairly simple equation. But the amount of galloping elephants after the water change is more complicated. Plus the...
  12. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    Quote: Originally Posted by florida joe One thing to remember about corals, small tanks present a very real problem when it comes to coral war. Placement is going to be critical when dealing with the chemical and physical warfare between corals That's a good point. I will be certain to keep it...
  13. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    I am still trying to figure out how to tackle this. I won't add a CUC until my tank has something to CU. I am a list-maker. It is a blessing and a curse. Okay, here is one possible plan: 1) Do a hefty water change 2) Come up with a feeding schedule for 1 fish (I need suggestions with that) 3)...
  14. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    UPDATE: I bought this live rock cured, so I was just expecting a mini cycle. I'm taking things slow, so I didn't really analyze this too much. I just let the tank run and waited. Well I tested today and got 0.25 ppm of ammonia (that is the result I have gotten every time-except the time I tested...
  15. pezenfuego

    Clown Fish Wont Host To Anemones?

    The clownfish is doing the action. Which means that sometimes making the mistake helps get your point across more clearly. It therefore doesn't bother me in the slightest.
  16. pezenfuego

    Fragging and new stuff,....

    Congratulations! I thought you were blowing smoke, but that may literally be the MOST gorgeous frogspawn ever. And I am saying that having only seen pictures. I can't image what it actually looks like.
  17. pezenfuego

    Water Changes-Galloping Elephants Meet Pouncing Lions

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 Well, you also have to realize that if you are removing ANYTHING From the system, even macroalgae - macroalgae is made of more things than just nitrate and phosphate... they have elements in them such as iron... and a whole host of others... and even if...
  18. pezenfuego

    What's wrong with using Instant Ocean salt?

    You would have to dose more with IO than with designer salts. Perhaps it is more cost effective to buy the more expensive salt (I doubt it). Would that depend on the size of your system? I wouldn't think so, but I'm not 100% sure.
  19. pezenfuego

    PEZenfuego's 4 gallon Pico Tank Diary

    I just got a new heater. This one is smaller is size, but equivalent in wattage. Unlike the last one, you can't see it in my system. Unfortunately, it won't work with my thermostat for some can't quite figure this out.
  20. pezenfuego

    Water Changes-Galloping Elephants Meet Pouncing Lions

    Quote: Originally Posted by SnakeBlitz33 What Bob advocates is NO water changes and the use of macroalgae. You proved that you have to use "pouncing lions" in conjunction with water changes. Also, your only variables that you were accounting for is waste in the system, not actual chemistry...