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  1. cafero702

    Lighting for a 140 reef!?

    Originally Posted by nycbob every tank is unique, so its hard to say whether it will thrive in ur system. try a few softies like leathers 1st. u should hold off on the lps. lps actually hv the same requirement as sps. Yes i have a couple leathers now 2 toadstoolds and a yellow leather they r...
  2. cafero702

    Calcium,Strontium? HELP!!?

    Well i am putting in "reef builder" it has calcium, stronium, Magnesium, and Potassium in it.It also helps maintain my PH. All these are good for a reef tank right??
  3. cafero702

    Calcium,Strontium? HELP!!?

    Originally Posted by jackri Not sure why this hasn't been addressed but none of those corals need calcium. None of those softies build a skeleton that requires calcium. If you are doing water changes you don't need to dose anything. My star polyps go through times they won't open, other times...
  4. cafero702

    Lighting for a 140 reef!?

    Originally Posted by meowzer I thought I just commented on this I would go with minimum of T5-HO JMO Lol ya after i posted it i thought it should go in the lighting forum.(slight mistake) well if i upgrade i will most likley go to MH but in my lighting will my corals spread? or just look good...
  5. cafero702

    Acans in PC's?

    Originally Posted by pleasants9 sounds like water condition/ params to me, it took me two try with caps just because of my water quality but the seocnd try is doing fine under my PC's. I think you have enough lights for the acan, but it would have to be in the upper half of the tank. You can...
  6. cafero702

    Calcium,Strontium? HELP!!?

    Yes i do regular waterchanges i have never tested calcium before i sort of got into the reef game and i forgot about it. Every coral is doing great i have Large Colt coral Kenya tree many polyp colonies yellow leather Xenia 2 toadstools GSP but it hasnt opened yet purple Mushrooms The GSP i...
  7. cafero702

    Calcium,Strontium? HELP!!?

    OK ive got my calcium tester and calcium "reef builder" i am going to do it tonite. But do you guys think i need diffrent lights? stronger then PC'sall together they are 384 watts is this not enough?? And if anyone has a good suggestion on buying likes (like a good website besides looking on...
  8. cafero702

    Lighting for a 140 reef!?

    I have a 140 tank with currently power compacts 2 12000k daylight and 2 True blue actinics and all 4 of them are 96watts. so thats 384 watts. Is this a good amount of lighting to make my 140 a good reef tank i am only trying for Soft corals and some LPS's.
  9. cafero702

    Calcium?? HELP

    OK i have a 140 and about 8 corals still trying to fill up my tank they all are doing great except my GSP wont open I have never tested my calcium i am going to my LFS tomorrow to get a test kit. What should my calcium be reading? What is ideal for a reef tank? They have a "Seachem" Calcium...
  10. cafero702

    Acans in PC's?

    Originally Posted by loopy101 acans do not need alot of light to thrive... i have 260watts of PC over a 55 gal tank. i keep my acans on the bottom and they are doing very well... What should my calcium be at dont they need rather good calcium params?? And do you think Blastos and Duncans...
  11. cafero702

    Calcium,Strontium? HELP!!?

    O i also have Power compacts 2 12000k daylight and 2 True Blue actinics All 4 96watts is this good ? i am pretty much only trying for soft corals and maybe some LPS
  12. cafero702

    Calcium,Strontium? HELP!!?

    OK i have a 140 and about 8 corals still trying to fill up my tank they all are doing great except my GSP wont open I have never tested my calcium i am going to my LFS tomorrow to get a test kit. What should my calcium be reading? What is ideal for a reef tank? They have a "Seachem" Calcium...
  13. cafero702

    Acans in PC's?

    OK my Power compacts are two 12000K daylights and two True actinics. All 4 said they were 96watt My tank is a 140 gallon i was planning on putting them up high at the top of my tank. Are these good lights alot of wattage???
  14. cafero702

    Acans in PC's?

    Ive read on a couple websites acans juist need moderate lighting and power compacts will do is this true??? I forgot my wattaged i will check but if they are up high in my tank will they do good?
  15. cafero702

    How much Flow For GSP and Xenia??

    But if they do like my water they will spread with my power compacts?
  16. cafero702

    Spaghetti Worm??

    o No thats not what i have ill try and get a good camera and take it. But ive been searching the web and cant find anything these things can possibly be besides tiny bristle worms/stars one red and whit and the other green and white
  17. cafero702

    How much Flow For GSP and Xenia??

    Originally Posted by aquaguy24 They both need med flow. Enough to see sway back and forth but enough that it looks like a tropical storm just hit. Just wait a couple days to see if the gap will open up. Both these corals can invade a tank and choke out other corals so be carefull. Well i have...
  18. cafero702

    Spaghetti Worm??

    Has anyone heard of these before?? i think i might have 2 of them a red and white one and a green and white one. Are these bad?? Sorry no pic
  19. cafero702

    Starifish?? Or worm

    ok now i found another one form the same LF but its a green and white one
  20. cafero702

    How much Flow For GSP and Xenia??

    How much Flow should i have on my GSP and Xenia?? My Xenia seems to have enough flow it is pom pom X. It is moving quite frequently in my tank bit is it too much flow for it to spread?? And my GSP i just got today it hasnt opened yet How long should i be waiting to see when it opens a couple...