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  1. swimmer4uus

    LED Lighting?

    Yes, you guys all make good points. I personally have never been one to buy an off the shelf item, when I could DIY. It's really a matter of personal opinion. I'm very excited to see what the next couple of years will bring. Too bad that stupid blanket patent (we'll leave the companys name...
  2. swimmer4uus

    Baby starfish! omg!

    Yes, they are completely harmless (unless you WANT algae) untill they start to really multiply, and start covering the front of your tank. Once your population is big enough, you might even get away with a Harlequin Shrimp, and not have to feed it. Don't quote me on that though
  3. swimmer4uus

    LED Lighting?

    Originally Posted by Markw Looks great! Is it camera error why it looks purple? Mark No. He's got 50/50 equal ammounts of white, and royal blue. I think it gives a little too much blue light all together, but just my opinion. Plus, the crees are royal blue. Maybe they give off a "purple"...
  4. swimmer4uus

    LED Lighting?

    Originally Posted by Anjiro There is more than one type but as Swimmer said DIY seems to be the best way to do it as most complete systems are about 600+ bucks. Using Cree XR-E LED's you can achieve extensively bright lighting. The most common accepted brightness of 24 3watt LED's (12 white and...
  5. swimmer4uus

    Diy led

    Just a little busy work while I wait for packages to come in the mail.
  6. swimmer4uus

    LED Lighting?

    One of the local LFS is a dealer of the Sunbrite LED system. They claim that their "bulb" is a direct replacement into a t12 system. I've looked at them, and the light strip is encased in a t8 bulb type cylinder, with t12 endcaps. I myself wouldn't put them as a direct replacement. I believe...
  7. swimmer4uus

    Another Tank: 90 gallons

    He's in the fuge. All to himself.
  8. swimmer4uus

    An EXTREME test of 'thriftiness' (PART 2)

    Good luck. I chewed since I was about 15 years old myself. I'm 23 now, quite about a year ago cold turkey. I know what it's like. Remember, sunflower seeds are your friend!
  9. swimmer4uus

    Another Tank: 90 gallons

  10. swimmer4uus

    10 gallon into a sump/fuge?

    Oh yeah you can use the 10g. I have a 10 setup for my sump, which is the connected to my 20g fuge. The 10 is on the left, the 20 is on the right.
  11. swimmer4uus

    Another Tank: 90 gallons

    Nissan, you da man. Now go take a look see in the nano group! New thread!
  12. swimmer4uus

    Help with IDing this crab

    HAHA, yeah thanks guys. Good thing I threw it in the fuge. PERFECTO!
  13. swimmer4uus

    Another Tank: 90 gallons

    So I think my Hammer is playing chemical warfare on my frogspawn. One of the heads on my Frogspawn is almost completely receeded, and is definantly dying away. Another head is starting to show signs of the same thing, yet the final two furthest away are doing just fine. Hopefully everything...
  14. swimmer4uus

    Help with IDing this crab

    Found it at the LFS closest to me. HAD to have him for my fuge. First impulse buy, which I know is a bad thing in this hobby. But, he's got the whole fuge to himself, so I don't think it was that bad of a purchase. His claws are on the left side of the "bull horns"
  15. swimmer4uus

    DeMartini's Bonsai Inspired Reef

    Good! I was seriously worried that this amazing tank weren't going to have those amazing fish in there!
  16. swimmer4uus

    Trouble with percula clown

    Oral herpes. HAHAHA! give em condoms and he should be good to go! Seriously, I don't have a clue, but a picture would probably help those who would actually know.
  17. swimmer4uus

    Mantis tank...anyone remember me??

    Great looking tank. WOW! It'll be definantly interesting to watch with Mr. Mantis in there. I definantly have a soft spot for nanos. You know which species of mantis you're getting? If I was a mantis, I'd definantly like that pvc
  18. swimmer4uus

    Diy led

    Guess who got his heat sinks in today.
  19. swimmer4uus

    NANO LED's on a budget.

    Or even set it up as a refuge with sps?
  20. swimmer4uus

    Another Tank: 90 gallons

    So time for a little update. Tax returns came in. That means it's time to start my LED build. I have a seperate thread for that posted in the DIY, but I'll post resulting pictures here too probably. The hair algae is definantly decreasing, so I rearranged some of the rock on the left. I...