An EXTREME test of 'thriftiness' (PART 2)


Active Member
Well, sorry for the delay in getting started with this one, but since Part 1 was a success (although painful at times), I continue on with a new challenge as promised. The delay comes because of hesitation, on my part, to fully commit, being honest about it. But here goes...
My son & I found out some time back that we have been accepted to a high adventure backpacking trip (about 2 wks worth) with a group of 24 up in New Mexico and Colorado Springs. The trip is not until mid next year (2011), and will cost about $3000 for the two of us. I could strap ourselves a little more, financially, but I have decided to go for's how...
I am giving up tobacco. Not only has this eaten at me that my habit is going to cause havoc related to this trip (physical training, travel, etc.), but I estimate that my habit elimination will save me the needed amount to pay for this trip. No, cigs are not me, rather Skoal. Been doing it since I was 14 (26 yrs). Oh, it's easy to quit, I can attest because I have done it many times
. My last try about a year ago lasted about a month or two. Major irritability, nervousness, mood swings...really bad time.
Long story short, with the
taxes, I estimate that I'm spending $6 a day. I need 500 days to complete this challenge (which I would hope that IF I made it that far, I won't go back). Challenge starts tomorrow morning....trip is in June/July next year, so timing is dead on. This was not a spur of the moment decision, but as the clock has ticked down, so has my body. I have been shaking all day today and have not even started. I don't put as many promises on this one, but I have nothing to lose. My family's pleas, risking my health, nor any other reason has worked, so maybe a little "thriftiness $" will be the incentive. Plus, I knew if I posted it, I would be held accountable.
Not looking forward to it, but wish me luck....T3


Good luck.....after many attempts at quitting smoking...I am a 5 year winner
I also smoked for over 30 years


Good luck. I chewed since I was about 15 years old myself. I'm 23 now, quite about a year ago cold turkey. I know what it's like. Remember, sunflower seeds are your friend!


Active Member
Originally Posted by meowzer
Good luck.....after many attempts at quitting smoking...I am a 5 year winner
I also smoked for over 30 years
Thank you for the encouragement.
Originally Posted by swimmer4uus

Good luck. I chewed since I was about 15 years old myself. I'm 23 now, quite about a year ago cold turkey. I know what it's like. Remember, sunflower seeds are your friend!
I know them well...I should own stock in "David" Co....


hey man, im tagging along to hold you accountable. we'll be praying for your strength too.


Active Member
This one will be as interesting to watch as the last one

I'll be rooting for you. Just remember to be honest if you have a moment of weakness. In the long run, it will be more helpful to you.
I don't have any doubt that you will tell the truth though. What's the first point of the scout law?
Anyway, good luck buddy!


Active Member
Have you tried either the Patch or the prescription Chantix? I used Chantix and I have to say that it really worked well.


Active Member
Woo Hoo!!!!!
What great motivation for you. You know my motto, sometimes it is all you can do to get to the next minute. You know you can post or e-mail me anytime.


Active Member
To the first day, I say...

It could have been worse, and it most likely will be in the next couple of days, but overall, I have banked $6....

Dragon, last time (about a yr. ago) I did use the Nicoderm patch. Even though I have a connection at Glaxo that can get me these fairly cheap, I'm not going that route. I did find about 1/2 box of the Nicorette gum that I had. I used that to get thru some rough times today, along with some sunflower seeds, beef jerky, and gum that I picked up this morning.
+ 6.00 (Day 1)
- 19.00 (gum, jerky & sunflower seeds (I got a lot) )

****Please Dear Lord, make tomorrow easier


Active Member
quitting sux , but you can definatly do it and be much better off for it
gum lots and lots of gum and sleep every chance you get dont go places or do things that trigger the habit (like go to a bar or take a long car ride) were here for ya !


Originally Posted by jennythebugg
quitting sux , but you can definatly do it and be much better off for it
gum lots and lots of gum and sleep every chance you get dont go places or do things that trigger the habit (like go to a bar or take a long car ride) were here for ya ! is a battle. As a person who does not chew gum, I found the beef jerky and carrot sticks worked for me
(better than candy LOL)


I am a skoal guy too. I picked it up in college and I was chewing about 4-5 times a day, but about a year ago switched to the new pouches and cut down to one a day during the week and about 3 a day on the weekends. Not ready to quit yet, but starting the process of slowing down. I am only going through about 1 can a week now. Very tough to quit though because I have tried several times also.


Active Member
Quiting does head is in a total fog today

Last night (after I posted) was terrible. Everything was decent right up until time to go to bed. I knew instantly something was wrong. My body (I think more my brain) just went into panic mode because there was not that "right before bed" closure. I stayed up an extra hour just lifting weights (rare). Still needed something (like a desert after a meal), so I hit the pantry and had a bowl of Cocoa Krispies.


Active Member
+ 6.00 (Day 1)
- 19.00 (gum, jerky & sunflower seeds (I got a lot) )
+ 6.00 (Day 2)

* I promise, I won't update every single day. It's just a b*tch these first few, so anything I can find to vent helps


Active Member
If you want to post every day then go right ahead. Whatever helps. We're here for you if you need us and we know you can do this. It's extremely hard to quit.
My motivation is my baby. lol Before I even took a test I lit up a cigarette and after two puffs I was sicker than a dog. Just the smell of cigarette smoke right now is sickening. lol
You can do this. Think about the long term effects from not using tobacco. You're gums will be much happier for it and you'll lengthen your life expectancy too!


Active Member
Originally Posted by T316
+ 6.00 (Day 1)
- 19.00 (gum, jerky & sunflower seeds (I got a lot) )
+ 6.00 (Day 2)

* I promise, I won't update every single day. It's just a b*tch these first few, so anything I can find to vent helps

I hope you have plenty of brownie points built up with your wife...