Active Member
Originally Posted by Scotts
But YOU MADE IT!!!!!! Remember what I said about how sometimes it is all you can do to make it to the next minute? Well you did.
Originally Posted by sepulatian
Congratulations on sticking it out this far! Keep up the great work Dwight!!! We are here for ya!
Yes, I made it. Another day...
Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Good for you, and good luck T....Wow 26 years!!!
Had an economics Professor in college that said tobacco and the lottery are a tax on stupid people. A bit offensive (and funny), but over time the money really adds up.
Hope you can get through it man.
Very true....Although I have never contributed to the "lottery" fund, I definately fall into the succor category of the "tobacco" fund. But that is definately a true synopysis....lottery and tobacco is being taxed beyond unsurmountable realms. And it's all because people like me are either "addicted" to it, or too stupid to realize the difference.
But YOU MADE IT!!!!!! Remember what I said about how sometimes it is all you can do to make it to the next minute? Well you did.

Originally Posted by sepulatian
Congratulations on sticking it out this far! Keep up the great work Dwight!!! We are here for ya!
Yes, I made it. Another day...

Originally Posted by kjr_trig
Good for you, and good luck T....Wow 26 years!!!
Had an economics Professor in college that said tobacco and the lottery are a tax on stupid people. A bit offensive (and funny), but over time the money really adds up.
Hope you can get through it man.

Very true....Although I have never contributed to the "lottery" fund, I definately fall into the succor category of the "tobacco" fund. But that is definately a true synopysis....lottery and tobacco is being taxed beyond unsurmountable realms. And it's all because people like me are either "addicted" to it, or too stupid to realize the difference.