Originally Posted by
Dude, post every hour if you want/need to.
BTW I don't look at it as you being $7 in the hole, I look at it as 2 successful days of no tobacco!
Originally Posted by meowzer
Originally Posted by renogaw
my father broke me off chewing tobacco before i could get truly started...if i wanted to be a MAN and chew tobacco (around age 10 i think...i grew up in Oregon, give me some slack) i was going to CHEW tobacco like a MAN. so he put half a can of chew in my mouth and didn't let me spit for half an hour...
needless to say, i haven't touched the stuff in 25 years...
good luck. this isn't thriftiness, this is healthiness

don't forget, you've probably already screwed up some of your gums by chewing, but by stopping you're already recovering.
Yes, we are kind of dealing/talking about two different things here. But the "thrify" aspect is helping me stay focused (a little
). Like mentioned in the OP, I'm not making too many promises this time (been there/done that...and it hurts when you can't follow thru). I was/am approaching it more on the spectrum of paying for this trip, but with the realization that "IF" I can make it that far along, I most likely will never go back. I mean, who would put themselves thru this torture just to do it over again...
But, this does lead me into my next question/search for help.....
My downfall in the past, is coming up soon. I have been able to make it past the "hell" of the physical pain associated with the first days to week or two, but my problem is always about 2-3 wks in. It's around this time frame, that my brain convinces me that there is no reason to continue. Seriously...if you have not been thru this, you will have no idea what I'm talking about. But really, something comes over me that totally rationalizes out why this is a stupid idea, nobody is watching, nobody cares, I'm not hurting anybody, so wth??? I'm not at that point now, but I know it's coming. And in previous attempts, I am in such a fog that I truely believe this thought process, and succomb. I know it's coming....
Does anyone have a clue what I'm talking about?