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  1. promisetbg

    New Pics

    Thanks everyone! Mystery wrasses are awesome. I wanted a pink margin, but when I saw this Scott's I fell in love!
  2. promisetbg

    Fish keep dying in an established tank

    Are you using a hydrometer to test SG. ? If so, get a refractometer & test your SG. accurately. Hydrometers are innacurate generally, and get worse with time. I had a problem in the second year because I was using a hydrometer, old fish were used to it...but new fish & inverts would all die...
  3. promisetbg

    flame hawkfish question

    Never had a problem with mine, with any shrimp..even anemone shrimp & sexy shrimp. Never bothered a fish. I gave him to a friend because he had a bigger tank at the time, he seemed unhappy to me as he would swim up & down the glass. He was very comical & cool, and would dart out to take food...
  4. promisetbg

    can i see some 90 gal stock lists.

    Scott's Fairy wrasse Midas blenny Scooter dragonet Priolepis nocturna~ full moon goby Blue Neon goby 2 Yellow watchman goby 2 Oscellaris clown Fridmani Psuedochromis African Bluestripe pipefish Dragonface pipefish[in refugium]
  5. promisetbg

    can clown fish kill lps?

    It should be fine as long as she does'nt get too boisterous. Maroons can be terrors, and wreak havoc on sandbeds..
  6. promisetbg

    ***Gale's 6 month old reef***

    Originally Posted by bustedadam The base kind of fades into an orange color.. I was afraid you were going to say this. This could be why it looks different...distorted.. It may have been an orange that has been dyed, in which case it may really have a tough time surviving. If's a...
  7. promisetbg

    ***Gale's 6 month old reef***

    I did hesitate to call it a carnation, but it is close. Can you get any other shots of it ? Are there any spots that are'nt pink?{indicating it could be dyed}
  8. promisetbg

    ***Gale's 6 month old reef***

    Originally Posted by bustedadam any other ideas on the pink coral in the third photo? Beautiful tank. Third coral is dendronepthea...common name~ carnation, extremely difficult if not impossible to keep.
  9. promisetbg

    New Pics

    Thanks azaintcold & newbieABC. The coral in the nano that is moving in the flow? We call them wood polyps here.
  10. promisetbg

    New Pics

    Thanks to both of you for the nice compliments. The clowns real home is in some frilly mushrooms on the side of the tank, that's where they lay their eggs...above them on the glass. When they have no eggs{which they don't right now} the male will play in the alveopora and purple goniopora. The...
  11. promisetbg

    New Pics

    the nano
  12. promisetbg

    New Pics

    This guy is hard to catch up Australian Scott's
  13. promisetbg

    in need of help

    Just an FYI, the test strip type tests are not accurate. For values like NO3, PH,and PO4..the fastest type kits from Instant Ocean are good. But for values like CA & Alk I would recommend Salifert. Avoid kits that are all inclusive or known as master test kits.
  14. promisetbg

    in need of help

    Yes, tighten up the formation a little, just make sure you don't crush anyone. Torch & frog. are both euphyllia..both LPS..both need food on occasion. The snails don't look like mexis to me, can you get a closer side shot of one? If they are mexican turbos then yes..5 is too many, 1 is too many...
  15. promisetbg

    in need of help

    It looks nice..very clean. You may consider getting the rock off the glass though. It causes undue stress on the glass, and makes cleaning it and proper flow around it an issue. Have you tested all the levels for alk, Ca, PH..? The open brain & hammer needs to be fed periodically.
  16. promisetbg

    It's a nano!

    Mixing it is the worst thing you can do, unfortunately....the CC will work it's way above the sand constantly. It has sharp edges, that's why the beneficial critters won't go there. It will not allow for the denitrifying aerobic & anaerobic[sp] layers that complete the process in a good...
  17. promisetbg

    Contest-Who has the most colorful reef

    Yeah I just looked at that, June 12...sorry.
  18. promisetbg

    Mandarin Goby and Banded Pipefish Feeding

    Banded pipefish will not take to prepared foods as a rule. They both need live copepods... have you considered adding a refugium to your set-up? If this is'nt an option, at least try this... place a couple small piles of LR rubble in the back of the tank. Add some live copepods periodically{I do...
  19. promisetbg

    It's a nano!

    Oh no...who talked you into crushed coral? Live sand would have been a much better choice. The crushed coral causes nitrate problems unless you clean it, and coraline algae will grow on it and make it look dirty. Critters that are beneficial to your tank cannot be kept and will not inhabit the...