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  1. steelchromis

    too many snails??

    what kind of snails are they? I got some that are about the same size, they are called tiger turbos.
  2. steelchromis

    EXTREME Fish Nominations here...

    Largest: Nurse Shark Smallest: Neon Goby Least Likely to Live: Cleaner Wrasse Hardest To Care For: Tie- Sea Horse and Pipefish Most Ridiculous: Lumpsucker (it is a Coldwater SW Fish) Rarest: Helfrichi's Firefish Most Boring: Hi-Fin Cardinal Most Exciting: A shoal of Green Chromis Most Beautiful...
  3. steelchromis

    too many snails??

    Not really, i have about the same amt. (minus 1) for my 29 gal. I think the rule of thumb is one cleanup animal per gallon.
  4. steelchromis

    it is possible to kill fish by overfeeding?

    As I learned from one of my elementary school teachers, "Anything is possible at anytime."
  5. steelchromis

    Its so hard to find......

    It is driving me crazy!
  6. steelchromis

    Turbo snail without a shell??

    GOOD Things that is.
  7. steelchromis

    Turbo snail without a shell??

    I wish I can find stuff in my LR.:(
  8. steelchromis

    Red slime on argonite

    If you take your time, this cyano can become a major problem in the next few weeks. If fit does become really bad search for JustinX's thread on how to get rid of it.
  9. steelchromis

    How to rid your tank of Red-Slime!

    9-12-03, Red Slime is officially gone for the past 72 Hrs! Nice article Justin, my success was all due to your thread!:)
  10. steelchromis

    Just how addicted are YOU? Admit...

    Here's my day: Wake Up Fish Get Ready Go to Work Get home Fish Eat Dinner Fish Fish Go to Sleep.
  11. steelchromis

    OT: Remembrance

    9/11/01, A day that will never be forgotten and will stay in our hearts forever.:(
  12. steelchromis

    Its so hard to find......

    I found it, then lost it, then found it again, but got tired of it and threw it away.
  13. steelchromis

    Reality Show For Fish People

    How about The Shrimpsons?:D
  14. steelchromis

    Are Hippo Tangs pretty hardy?

    From what I know they are susceptible to many diseases, especially HLLE.
  15. steelchromis

    Blood shrimp from

    Another vote on holding off, how about a nice Scarlet Cleaner Shrimp?
  16. steelchromis

    Fish Selection.. Some opinions please

    a pair of firefish would be nice as would a sixline.
  17. steelchromis

    another "what is it?"

    if you had a pic, it could be easier to id.
  18. steelchromis

    percula clowns

    well, you could always try. But if I were you I would go with just a pair. They seem to do better and aren't as aggressive as would a shoal of them would be.
  19. steelchromis

    Acrylic or Glass?

    Glass all the way.
  20. steelchromis

    Free Avatars Here

    Hey Rye, do you think you can get me a chromis avatar? It would fit my Screen Name.:D