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  1. superhero

    New Pics

    And Everyones Favorite Blenny!! Joe Shmo
  2. superhero

    New Pics

  3. superhero

    nano cubes?

    JSUt wondering what you guies think about those 12 gallon nano cubes out there? are they a good deal for the price or should i jstu go out and put togather my own 10 gallon tank?? also does it come with everything you need or are there more fees? (Im just looking to keep some softies and 2...
  4. superhero


  5. superhero


  6. superhero

    All inverts dead! HELP!

    how old is your tank? And waht are your calcium levels sometimes too much Ca can kill snails and inverts
  7. superhero


    cool thanks
  8. superhero


    Does anyone know of a site that can host videos???
  9. superhero

    Monday sixer hope you like them!!!

    every time i see your tank, I am speechless! That is the definition of color right there!!!! :yes: :yes: GREAT JOB!!!! :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:
  10. superhero

    worm, I might need ID

    I think it is a Sipunculids- aka Peanut Worm Here see for yourself
  11. superhero

    cleaner shrimp

    hey waht do you guys feed your cleaner shrimp?? I triued offering mine some frozen brine shrimp and some frozen shrimp but he wouldnt take it. I dunno but it may jstu be he is still alittle jittery from acclimation i got him yesterday??? any help
  12. superhero

    Rare "Koi" Yellow Tang

    ya scubadoo can you send me taht site too. THat would be awsome Thanks!!! :joy: :joy: :joy: :happyfish :happyfish
  13. superhero

    Good snail/Bad snail Algae control?

    I jsut got mine yesterday so i cannot tell u from personal experience if they nip at anything, but i can tell u that they eat a ton of alage!
  14. superhero

    comming soon

    tou know on the side of the screen to the left it has all of those tabs. Well the one that says Comming Soon!. WHen and where is that store gonna be? does anyone know?
  15. superhero

    Good snail/Bad snail Algae control?

    the scarlet hermits really do a number on alage you should get some of those
  16. superhero


    thanks for ur help!!!
  17. superhero

    first tiem showing my tank

    Originally Posted by Pyro Great looking tank! I really like how you got the feather duster in focus very well. Those suckers are hard to get. You might want to consider a "looser" crop and allow a little more space around the subject of the picture. I normally crop mine, and then size it to...
  18. superhero

    What kinda worm is this?

    just dont touch them theri stings can be painful. MY friend knows first hand lol not pretty :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:
  19. superhero


    Hey guies i need to knoow what kind of plant this is and what i need to do for it.
  20. superhero

    first tiem showing my tank

    thanks well he was probally nobigger taht a cm around and he has jsut grown huge (actually i have 2 taht have grown huge) but ya thanks I will take some tank pics tomarow when my lights come on for real tihs time