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  1. nano reefer

    The OPRAH Thread

    Originally Posted by Tizzo And "discuss" is not CFR's trademark, lots of people use it. thanks for gettin' by back, but i changed it just because.
  2. nano reefer

    The OPRAH Thread

    Originally Posted by EL GUAPO The only thing lamer than this thread is the fact that your trying to jack CFR's style . DISCUSS is his trade mark and you are trying to ride of his coolness . You should be ashamed . hey man! not intentional! i'll edit it for your pleasure.
  3. nano reefer

    The OPRAH Thread

    Originally Posted by ruaround seriously??? dude, i dont watch the show.
  4. nano reefer

    The OPRAH Thread

    Originally Posted by ruaround i like Dr Oz... Nano are you sure youre an adult male??? literally? yes. maturity wise? no. and who is Dr. Oz?
  5. nano reefer

    The OPRAH Thread

  6. nano reefer

    The OPRAH Thread

    talk about all the things you love/hate about Oprah.
  7. nano reefer

    Will the Chargers go to...

    Originally Posted by ruaround The Murph is a dated stadium... its behind the times for a proffesional sports arena... seats and a field alone dont cut it man... what about the raiders? or the 49ers? they play on horse manure and rotting possum fetuses.
  8. nano reefer

    Cars that should be gender specific...

    Originally Posted by ruaround LMAO!!! thats what the man said... "10.5 quarters" could also be $2.625
  9. nano reefer

    Cars that should be gender specific...

    Originally Posted by stdreb27 I've ALWAYS wanted to get a bug and turn it into a car that can do 10.5 quarters. i'm going to guess that means .25 miles in 10.5 secs?
  10. nano reefer

    Will the Chargers go to...

    why is it obsolete? it has seats and a field, what could be wrong with it?
  11. nano reefer

    LED panel from LED wholesalers.....

    why pay 50 bucks for that?
  12. nano reefer

    The Official Insomniac MEGATHREAD

    My Eyes!
  13. nano reefer

    Cars that should be gender specific...

    Kia's and Hyundais are for bisexual rodents living in South Dakota. no male or female (gay or straight or whatever) should drive one.
  14. nano reefer


    half this crap is repeats. i am kinda pissed.
  15. nano reefer

    coraline algae would be nice

    i hate coralline. its a nuisance for me. it grows over my glass so fast that if i dont scrape every week it gets nearly impossible to scrape off. i dont dose calcium, alkalinity, or magnesium, i use oceanic un-mixed. i use tap water, and i have 48 watts of light in a biocube. i dont...
  16. nano reefer

    whats in your belly now ?

    chicken parm, salad, and 6 rice krispies treats.
  17. nano reefer

    Goodbuy Bennigans! (you won't be missed that much)

    i am going to miss the onion haystack sooooo much.
  18. nano reefer

    whats in your belly now ?

    Originally Posted by Tizzo Nothing yet. Unless the tortilla chips and cheese is still there from last nights movie snack. well, you tell us!
  19. nano reefer

    WEP key question

    Originally Posted by m0nk Go with WPA because WEP and MAC address filter each takes about 3 minutes to crack. and WPA isnt that much harder. the technology for people to do is there, but a lot harder to get and use than WEP cracking programs (Like: AircrackNG). just set up a MAC clone and...