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  1. groupergenius

    Purple Hornets...anyone got any?

    Those are nice. I'll get some one day.
  2. groupergenius

    Purple Hornets...anyone got any?

    Would love to see your pics.
  3. groupergenius

    We "had" a Christmas pics thread...

    Originally Posted by Tizzo Tyler actually has his arm around her! She leaned away. I swear he took a shower! Have another Roke for me!! Please apologize to Tyler for me...... I'll have 2 Rokes for ya.
  4. groupergenius

    SE MH Lamp Choice

    If color (more blue) is more important than growth, Reeflux 12K. Cheap bulbs. If Growth and color (more white) then Aquaconnect 15K. Expensive bulbs. Just going by my personal. MH bulb opinions are like you know what. Everyone has one.
  5. groupergenius

    We "had" a Christmas pics thread...

    Nice pic. I'm diggin' how Skyler is separating himself from Mrs. (Cougar) Clause there.
  6. groupergenius

    Caylee found ?

    The mother of this innocent, sweet, baby girl is a good argument for the allowance of public stoning. Just my $.02....
  7. groupergenius

    How many people does it take to change a light bulb?

    Originally Posted by nina&noah No, it never comes on. It is like one of those lightning toys. It even makes that buzzing noise.(Sorry, that is the only comparison I can come up with). Tried the old bulb, so its not the ballast. bulb = no light. Old bulb= light......must be bulb.
  8. groupergenius

    Will my clam live?

    Did you allready get the clam? Lighting is a key factor for clams, but water quality is much more important.
  9. groupergenius

    How many people does it take to change a light bulb?

    When you say flickering, is it on and throughout the flickering thing? Or does it go totally off, then take a while to restart? What ballast? I had a similar problem with an Icecap ballast before. They replaced it free. It's a good company.
  10. groupergenius

    How many people does it take to change a light bulb?

    Originally Posted by nina&noah Does it have to be facing a certain way like a battery? I'm so frustrated I can scream I haven't tried the old bulb again yet. It was working fine today, so I think it is a problem with how I am connecting it or with the actual bulb. I just tried to turn it so...
  11. groupergenius

    where to buy a 20x20x20 cube?

    Originally Posted by Shrimpi grouper. whats the name of your local reefclub?or the region.. PS: Dont worry Ill post pics Nekkid asap salt. Ive seen the tanks alone on the solana for a few hundred bucks and someone locally is selling the setup for 400ish (no light) but the more I think about...
  12. groupergenius

    where to buy a 20x20x20 cube?

    Hmmmm. Shrimpi running nekkid.....I'm keeping an eye on this thread. There's a guy in our reef club local that made his own about that same size. I don't think I can post or PM the link to his build though.
  13. groupergenius

    My big paly from Flricordia

    Originally Posted by Flricordia Yes, take a razor blade and cut through the mat and dip the open wound into iodine (all I am familiar with is Kent's Iodine so can't give any recommendations for any other brands) and let them sit for about 30 seconds out in the dry, reglue them to a mount or...
  14. groupergenius MNF yet this year

    Friggin Bucs D choked tonight.
  15. groupergenius MNF yet this year

    C'mon man.....RU where you at? Better be watching the game bro.
  16. groupergenius

    Nova Extreme Pro --- Good Buy?

    I just got the 8 x 54 watt Nova Extreme. Love it. It was actually too bright. I replaced 2 of the 10K bulbs with Fiji Purple and might change a third.
  17. groupergenius

    My big paly from Flricordia

    has grown multiple babies. I would like to frag a couple polyps off. Would you just cut it between the polyps and peel it off the plug?
  18. groupergenius

    I Wonder...

    Originally Posted by ruaround i doubt it... i bet the Lions would beat themselves... They would lose to themselves.
  19. groupergenius

    Need UV Glass for MH fixture...

    Originally Posted by gkotlin The place where i got it said to be sure to get replacement glass..... What does SE or DE bulb mean? I've had power compacts for years so I don't know anything about this. SE- Single End or Mogul type bulbs. Like long skinny regular light bulbs. skrew in. DE-...
  20. groupergenius

    Need UV Glass for MH fixture...

    Also a question.... From what I understood, SE bulbs have the UV protection in the outer casing. HQI, or DE bulbs don't. And need the UV protective glass.