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  1. luke

    Tube anemones...

    I beleive they are non photo synthetic, making them fairly difficult to keep. They will need daily feedings of brine shrimp or something simalir. It should also be noted that The Reef Aquarium Vol. 2 says not to keep them with fish, they can easily catch one for a nice snack. Luke
  2. luke

    *****: good or bad? ( i need lotsa opinions on this)

    ***** is evil!!! I don't doubt that there are knoledgeable workers there... but the livestock is gross. I have been to the two stores in Reno an many in the Bay Area, all of which had sick or dead livestock. All had the imfoumous purple tangs (everyone with ich). Most of the fish there are...
  3. luke

    Everyone post your lighting set ups!!

    1 175 watt MH (10,000K) over my 10 gallon reef, I love it (but would like more light). Luke
  4. luke

    Need Help with Elegance

    Get some current over the affected area. That will keep the coral from getting an infection. He will probably make it. If there really is no brown kelly or slime then he is not that bad off (yet). I would recomend against an iodine bath, they usually stress the coral more than help. You can...
  5. luke

    Bio Balls Good or Bad?

    starfishjackedme - I assume you have LR and probably LS. If this is so... you have an aarobic filter and anarobic filter on your hands. Bio load affects trates as does bacterial load and many other factors. Although I agree that corals don't die in trates... (even clams need them to survive)...
  6. luke

    Reef Lighting By Luke

    Reef Lighting: The majority of corals, that the aquarist has access to, need light. If this one (seemingly) simple parameter is not met, these corals will wither away. Hopefully nobody wants to kill these animals (or at least put down $50 to do it). Those who are successful in this hobby have...
  7. luke

    Reef Lighting By Luke

    Reef Lighting: The majority of corals, that the aquarist has access to, need light. If this one (seemingly) simple parameter is not met, these corals will wither away. Hopefully nobody wants to kill these animals (or at least put down $50 to do it). Those who are successful in this hobby have...
  8. luke

    Bio Balls Good or Bad?

    Bioballs are too good. They mineralize ammonia into nitrite and nitrite into nitrate without allowing for anarobic zones. There is so much air in a wetdry that there is no room for the anarobic bacteria to grow. Simplification: they are nitrate traps! Anarobic bacteria turn nitrate into...
  9. luke

    filter with carbon?

    I assume you are talking about GAC (granular activated carbon) I personally think that there is no reason not to use it all the time. Some may disagree... but it keeps the water clear and removes the same things skimmers remove. It can also remove trace elements. Just be aware of it and add a...
  10. luke

    Temperature: A must read !

    It seems to me that about once every couple of months someone quotes or points people to Dr. Shimek's article. I think it is very interesting (the article not the quotes thereof ;) ). I think the temp issue really comes down to success. How many people have beem successful at a given temp...
  11. luke

    auto top off systems ?

    Go out and buy a madison poypropalene (or other plastic) food safe electric float switch ($12). Wire this into an extension cord($4). Then plug any sort of pump($5-$50) into it to do the top off. I have used this for over a year. they have a 1/8" actuation so very littl water triggers them...
  12. luke

    Best corals for a beginner???? Plz help

    Well... if you get the new lights, then all the corals mentioned will do really well. If not I would stay away from all coral (one flourescent tube is not enough... which you seem to know ;) ) If you get lighting: -Mushrooms are a great addition -Soft corals like Sarcophyton -Star polyps...
  13. luke

    Best corals for a beginner???? Plz help

    You did not mention lighting in your tank... what kind of lights are you running??? Luke
  14. luke


    I don't think it is nessasary to test for iodine... but it is a very important element to be adding. Iodine helps soft corals grow, it is good for treating infections, and it helps corals create pigmentation (you get a good looking tank because of it :) ) The test kits are really combersome...
  15. luke

    MH light positioning lowest height.

    You **CAN** have them as close as you like. The closer they are the less coverage you get side to side. I would recomend modifying the canopy to 12" (if possible) Then mount them so they are near the top of th canopy, giving you a good 8-10" of room. This will make working on the tank far...
  16. luke

    Kalkwasser -How much to add with non-drip system

    A drip system can be as simple as some airline tubing coming out of a container full of kalk sitting above your tank or sump. You start a siphon then tie the end of the tube in a knot. Dose kalk at night to combat the low pH you noticed at night (all tanks do this). You can go up from there...
  17. luke


    When did you add the sand?? As for skimming: I would say it is manditory with fish, and really won't hurt without. It will not remove small particulate (unless it happens to be dissolved protien) Luke
  18. luke

    Anemone specific tank: design phase. I need help:)

    Hello all, I am currently trying to design (in my head) a system to keep anemones happy. My goal for the system is simple: Keep them happy (which incluedes alive ;) ) I plan to do this in a relitivly small tank. What I am thinking is this: A 20g extra high (20"Lx10"Wx24"H) this is a...
  19. luke

    Wave Makers???

    Non laminar current is great. But I think that an easier way would be to place the pumps on timers that turn them on and off at 2 hour intervals. Your wallet will sure appreciate it. I have this set up on y 10 and it works great. You can easily simmulate the calm at night too. Luke
  20. luke

    Acropora Bleaching

    Is this coral bleaching or is it receding?? They look nearly the same but are for very different reasons. Did you just raise the salinity and time on the light? or did you do that before he coral was in the tank? Luke