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  1. timeless1

    What is this frost looking fungi all over my Sponges?

    Not sure of type of sponge, but if you happen to have a wrasse in your tank, then , you will need to sell the wrasse or sponge. My sponge was almost killed from my wrasse spinning a cocoun nightly, the white stuff was blocking the polyps from coming out. Also put it in a high flow area, very...
  2. timeless1

    I'm probably in trouble but - Sea Pen

    My best advise is not to use prepared food, most filter feeders don't do as well as they can using prepared foods. Get live DT's, or some other live product for filter feeders, it will respond better, and may have a chance in your tank. Reef nutients makes good live products, and so does DT's...
  3. timeless1

    My Sun Coral

    The best was to get it to grow is to feed it, you can get away with two-three times a week, It is better to feed more ofter, but smaller amounts, as some of the food does not digest and can kiil the animal. I found the best way to get them to come out is to feed some cyclopeeze about 20 minutes...
  4. timeless1

    A few pics of my nano.

    Thanks for your comments.
  5. timeless1

    Big sun coral collections without probiotics?

    Thanks Spanko, I spend about 1-3 hours a day with the tank, and weekly water changes keep the water parm in check. Thanks Fretfreak13, I appreciate the link, and I would love to have Chuck Stottlemire contact info if you are able to get it.
  6. timeless1

    Big sun coral collections without probiotics?

    Here you go guys, sorry I have been busy
  7. timeless1

    A few pics of my nano.

    So far the suns have been doing ok, they are somtimes a bit more closed, but still come out to feed. The funny thing is the clown has been trying to host all of my sun colonies. All of them are accepting him. :)
  8. timeless1

    Cool Idea

    Do you have any pics. I would love to see the setup. I would like to do something like that, but it is easier to get the parts already made. Thanks
  9. timeless1

    protein skimmers??

    Thanks for the nice description. I want to get one for my 10 gal nano reef, which I'm in the process of converting to NPS reef. So far approximately 4 large colonies of sun coral (60-120+heads each), a few heads of Dendro fista, and a nice Rhizo. I do preaty heavy water changes each week to...
  10. timeless1

    A few pics of my nano.

    Thanks for the coment. It is a bit tight for my hand to get it, but I love it.My levels are all in check, I have a bit of GHA, due to the change in lighting, but I'm really on top of my water changes, and I change my filter media every week and half. I sometime change 20%+, but my orange spotted...
  11. timeless1

    A few pics of my nano.

    Originally Posted by nissan577 really nice but is that a monti on the top???? Yes it is, the colouration since the upgraded lights is amazing. A really bright red/pink. Thanks for the comments. I love the colours. I have bright yellow, orange, and pink.
  12. timeless1

    Clown hosting mu Sun

    Originally Posted by MissNano Are they easy to keep, the sun coral, i have been looking at those for when i get my 55g set up.. What is your over all opinion of them Hello MissNano, I love these corals, such beautiful colours. Very easy to keep and you can place them almost anywhere in your...
  13. timeless1

    A few pics of my nano.

    Here are a few pics and a vid of my nano. Currently converting to NPS tank. Any feedback is welcomed. 4 large sun coral colonies two small black sun coral colonies 3 heads of Dendros Red chili sponge Rhizo Duncans,Rics, zoa, cyphastrea, Monti cap. VHO T5 48watts 10 gallon 30-35lbs of LR no...
  14. timeless1

    Clown hosting mu Sun

    I feed the tank throughtout the day and they are out most of the day and night. Buth this picture was taken at night, I was feeding my rhizo.
  15. timeless1

    Clown hosting mu Sun

    I thought I would share this, as I have not seen a clown host a Sun coral. LOL
  16. timeless1

    This thing comes out at night only??

    It looks like a nuibranch( sea slug). Sorry for the spelling.
  17. timeless1

    High lighting for rics?

    I have mine at the top of my 10 gallon, and I have VHO T5 48 watts, and they are huge 4" dia. They love the light.
  18. timeless1

    Need HELP? 65 watt pc or 2x48 watt t5 ho over a 10g reef

    I have the Coral life HOT5's on my 10 gallon, and I have a Monti cap at teh top with great polyp extension. i have a mixed reef and every thing is doing great. The PC are not as good. I researhed alot for mine and went with the T%'s instead of the PC. More watts, but that is not a great...
  19. timeless1

    What are these things...

    More then likely it just pods. They are good. Pictiures are better ti ID Google. copepods amphipods