i am looking at doing a 10 gal
i would like to keep clams
what kinda lighting is needed and where can i get it
send me an email and let me know
thanks guys
umm if you could email me some websites where to get them that would be great
this is a new thing to me and i really dont know much at all
i am looking at some soft corals and stuff
yeah i went in there the other day not very impressed at all
with anything in the store would not suggest it
umm yeah i know i have asked this b4 but which one of those stores has the cheapest live rock?
i going to try to build my own protein skimmer for my 10gal anyone done it or have any idea about it i look it up online and found a few ideas i was just going to see if any one has done it for a 10 and if they have any suggestions on it?
my 30 is doing fine no major problems
i am starting a 10 to do nano and i need help with that
filtration and all the stuff for it all i got is the tank and the heater?
hey thanks so much man.....
but i am looking at making my 10gal a reef sorry about that so light the same but what do i get light wise?
and will it be any cheaper?