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  1. evilss

    Heres Pics of my 120 & 180

    very very nice.
  2. evilss

    Welcoming myself, my tank

    nice rose bulb.
  3. evilss

    New Pics

    very nice setup. good luck with your new addition.
  4. evilss

    Help!eel wont eat

    try krill or silversides. how long have you had him? the bad thing about the ribbion eels is getting then to eat.
  5. evilss


    those need to stay in the ocean in my opinion. along with blue rings, and large sharks.
  6. evilss

    Aquarium pics: rays, scoripionfish, triggers

    thanx for sharing the pix.
  7. evilss

    what is he

    looks like the fimbrated to me.
  8. evilss

    snowflake eel with??

    i wouldnt even keep the sfe in a 29 for life. i dont think any of your other fish would do to good in there either. how big is your eel now?
  9. evilss

    Spiny Box Puffer

    thanks for the info. im more than likely gonna go with the porcupine puffer. i have had alot of sucess with them also.
  10. evilss

    top 10 fav fishies

    1. golden puffer 2. volition lion 3. porcupine puffer 4. emperor angel 5. niger trigger 6. hawaiin dragon moray 7. purple tang 8. naso tang 9. queen trigger 10. panther grouper thats just 10. i want many many more. hard to only list 10. heres no 1
  11. evilss

    awesome deal at *****

    hey townsdp. email me. im in alabama and looking for some good stores to visit.
  12. evilss

    Triggers and Puffers

    well one of my favorite triggers is the niger. very nice coloring along with a great personality. not aggresive as some of the others but i enjoy them. the huma huma trigger is nice as well. maybe the black patch. i would love to have a queen but they just get to mean.
  13. evilss

    NIce relationship...

    both times i have kept a cleaner shrimp with a snowflake they had a great relationship. i think there are alot of fish that actually accept the cleaner shrimp. well except for groupers. there a snack for them.
  14. evilss

    Triggers and Puffers

    i have kept puffers and triggers for quite a while. you shouldnt have any problems. unless you get a real mean, clown, undulate, or queen trigger. what triggers and puffers do you have in mind?
  15. evilss

    any comments on this aggressive tank

    post more pics of it. we all would like to see.
  16. evilss

    NIce relationship...

    great looking banna eel. i would love to have one.
  17. evilss

    Fish Pics Trial Run

    tank looks great.
  18. evilss

    Pics from Florida, Tampa Bay Aquarium...enjoy

    great pics. thanks for sharing.
  19. evilss

    Jebo UV Sterlizer

    there skimmers work good as well. especially for the price. dont know about the uv sterlizers though. im lookn at one myself.
  20. evilss

    Spiny Box Puffer

    i have never had a porcupine with ich. so i hope you dont have a problem with it. anyone ever kept a spiny box/ burfush??