1. golden puffer
2. volition lion
3. porcupine puffer
4. emperor angel
5. niger trigger
6. hawaiin dragon moray
7. purple tang
8. naso tang
9. queen trigger
10. panther grouper
thats just 10. i want many many more. hard to only list 10. heres no 1
well one of my favorite triggers is the niger. very nice coloring along with a great personality. not aggresive as some of the others but i enjoy them. the huma huma trigger is nice as well. maybe the black patch. i would love to have a queen but they just get to mean.
both times i have kept a cleaner shrimp with a snowflake they had a great relationship. i think there are alot of fish that actually accept the cleaner shrimp. well except for groupers. there a snack for them.
i have kept puffers and triggers for quite a while. you shouldnt have any problems. unless you get a real mean, clown, undulate, or queen trigger. what triggers and puffers do you have in mind?