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  1. RobP

    ID Please

    Paly's have so many different and unique nams it's hard to tell what the official name is. I would call is the orange on <G>
  2. RobP

    Sharing a Local Pic

    WOW!!! I'm speechless. Are you in the new england area? Thanks for sharing
  3. RobP

    Just acquired a 125g

    Why not go the natural way and filter using Live Rock? Depending on your bio-load it's all you should need and if you get too much of a bio load get a hang on the back overflow into a sump with a protein skimmer. I've been running my tank like that for almost two years and no issues at ll.
  4. RobP

    best lighting times during day or night ?

    I don't think there is a right or wrong when is the best time to light your tank. I light mine from 2:30 PM until 10PM. This way the lights are on mostly when I'm home.
  5. RobP

    My 7g Office Nano

    Looks great, I've thought of getting one for my desk but the cost always talks me out of it. I'm thinking DIY as much as I can might be the way to go. Thanks for sharing.
  6. RobP

    Purchasing Corals and Anemones

    +1 other than my LFS, I've gotten all my coral from SWF and have always been happy with what I have gotten and they have sosme killer sales!!!!
  7. RobP

    How do you avoid toxic live sand on a physical move?

    There is another option too, no sand. I've heard of people being very successful without a sand bed at all but that of course depends on what you plan on stocking the tank with.
  8. RobP

    Help getting started

    Oh I agree with you and I'm not a huge fan either but I have used the sand calculator on their site. I don't recommend using anything on their site. And where did the plenum come from? <G> I think I'm alittle lost
  9. RobP

    I need some help.

    That sounds terrible. I'm sorry to hear that. Did you try a bristleworm trap or something like that? I know they exist but don't know if they work.
  10. RobP

    Silverado61&#39;s Stand and Tank build.

    You need an update after you get some fish and coral....
  11. RobP

    Help getting started

    Here is a link that can help you calculate how much sand you will need. You still need to use some common sense but it should get you close to a final decision.
  12. RobP

    How do you avoid toxic live sand on a physical move?

    Just to add my two cents from when I moved mine from upstairs to downstairs is I took out half my water and saved it. then I removed my live rock into a cooler with the saved water. Than I removed everything else from the tank and I cleaned the sand right in the tank, outside of course, and...
  13. RobP

    Wanting to add coral, but not sure about fish

    I was finally able to upgrade my T5HO lighting to LED and now I run a 20 gallon for Frags with my T5 lighting and the Torch Coral (it might sting other coral) is doing well and my Duncan in my main tank did great under T5 lighting. Most any Polyps will do good as will Green Star Polyps. Good luck!!
  14. RobP

    5.5G, need filter advice

    +1 As long as you have some live rock and good flow you should be good to go.
  15. RobP

    Water Testing

    Thank you Bang Guy, I will check them out. I think I liked Salifert too from what I could find out and your right I don't test for them all the time since there isn't alot changing in my tank.
  16. RobP

    I love this time of the year!!

    I love this time of the year!!
  17. RobP

    Water Testing

    I currently only test for Ammonia, NO2, NO3, PO4 and High PH but I want to start testing for hardness and calcium. What is a good test kit I get buy? I just don't want to waste money on a test kit by it not performing the way it should. Any idea? Thanks everyone!! Rob
  18. RobP

    Can anyone ID this anemone?

    That's awesome, thanks for the info. I've never heard of an Anemone that doesn't like the light. That's what I love about this hobby is you are always learning something new.
  19. RobP

    Do you block the venturi when starting a protein skimmer?

    Is your protien skimmer inside your sump? Most protien skimmers have a perferred water depth that you should maintain in order for you protien skimmer to most it's best. Since you don't have a manual you won't know what that is. The bottom line to your question is no, you shouldn't need to plus...
  20. RobP

    removing nitrates

    Another thing you can try is an Algea scrubber. They are super easy to build. Check YouTube, they have all kind of DIY for Alea Scrubbers. Also, only start your water changes on your tank once it completes it's first cycle. Doing one before then will only make it take longer to complete.