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  1. effloresce

    half life 2

    how would you compare Source to regular CS, CS is a great game!
  2. effloresce

    How many of you like roller coasters!?

    agreed, now what abttu bungee, and sky divin?
  3. effloresce

    grandpa on vacation..lmao

    Classic Wall Drug South Dakota huh?
  4. effloresce

    RIP Darell

    no the killer, i hope he suffered.
  5. effloresce

    RIP Darell

    i hope the guy suffured before he died...
  6. effloresce

    Oysters are they safe?

    no they wont die, cold water oysters will die, you just got some nice little filter feeder clams
  7. effloresce

    splitting anemone

    Anemones will split often and clones of anemones (slipts) will have a better chance of living. we need a pic to ID
  8. effloresce

    final? sells temp. prob fans, HTH
  9. effloresce

    Naked rocks

    fetaher dusters will, feather dusters are "filter feeders" they filter out photoplankton that grows off your lights, so they will go good. Your lucky if you egtt he shrooms to live, 15w is no light at all, expspecialy on a 36g, you will need a PC/VHO/ or T5 fixture in order to keep corals.
  10. effloresce

    Naked rocks

    and even with standard lighting that came with the tank, you wont get any corals to grow under that, only shrooms
  11. effloresce

    Naked rocks

    it takes time, you wont start seeing the need macro algaes for a while, it took a year for my rock to start growing macro alages, but feather dusters will apear after the first month, along with musscles, sponges. and you will be LUCKY to get ANY corals at all, you ahve to BUY corals to get...
  12. effloresce

    new fish on the way!

    might i add. many people have success with LMB, including me, LMB WILL eat seaweed strips and also frozen food, mine east alage, brine, mysid, flakes, pellets, you anem it, and all the ones at the LFS eat it too, maybe its just luck, or maybe you just got a bad one beth, but its almost...
  13. effloresce

    how many????

    Y tang, Foxface, bi-color angel, coral beauty angel, algae blenny, canary blenny, 2 pajama cardinals, 2 banzaii cardinals, 2 4 stripe damsel, 3 clarkii's, yellow tail damsel, devil damsel, large black damsel, that is way to many fish, even for a 140g. Reef tanks have few fish becasue of bioload...
  14. effloresce

    new fish on the way!

    dwarf angels are considered reef safe, but most of the time they will develot a tast for SPS polyps or soth corals.
  15. effloresce

    balance ph naturally

    as in......? keep it the same the whole time, or keep it up down?
  16. effloresce


    stars dotn eat algae, they eat uneaten food that break down and make alage. what kind of alage do you have, on the sand/rocks or glass?
  17. effloresce

    brain coral question

    dont add iodine, tis not good to add, its very hard to test for, and very hard to dose in proper ammounts, dont add it, water changes have enough iodine in the water for the replacements, i have never added iodine and you mgith want to get your salinity up to 24 or 25, corals and inverts liek...
  18. effloresce

    Coral.Accel does it really work?

    it dosent, light and water chnages are all youn need, and low nutrient levels for most corals, but stonies need cal/alk
  19. effloresce

    how many????

    you can have as many corals you want, as long as you have enough room. if i were you i would add a school of green shromis, or a peir of gobies/blennys