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  1. dse

    tranesporting a mature 55 tank

    i move house every six month at min due to family getting bigger and bigger long sotry lol. anyway what i do is use 2-3 buckets for my gravel keep water a flot on top and cling film the top to make less of a spill of each buket that meens gravel can stay mature with out any problems second i bag...
  2. dse

    Tank Tops?

    wow thats a beaut of a tank btw. but i do like your style of tank top. looks like a dome effect from the pic. i would like somthing like that or a flat top as both would come in handy do you have a pic of the top view too? sorry for taking over the thread its just it's comming in ver ver usefull...
  3. dse

    are the uk able to buy?

    hello and ty for the welcome. yeah ill probably buy in bulks of 40-50kg's problem is all the locations you said are extreamly far from me lol. i live in devon in the uk so going to london will be a nightmare lol it seems USA aquaruim hobbys are a lot lot cheaper. but im more worried about...
  4. dse

    are the uk able to buy?

    Hello i've been viewing for a few days started talking to people yesterday for the 1st time. but theres one thing i cant seem to see. i keep browsing live rock and it seems a good price but theres no price for uk delivery. Is there any chance we can recive any items from her to ship to uk? i...
  5. dse

    my new 130 gal

    back 2 years ago when i started off i baught 2 clowns "common" after about a month after setting tank up About 3 month in i baught a nice little anemone "bubble tip if i remember correctly" had it in the tank for about 4 days and start to look from a beautifull anemone to a poorly ill dark...
  6. dse

    Tank Tops?

    i own a T5 unit also. they do seem to get very hot. i have a twin bulbs 60w i think but im in need of new bulbs which im hoping to get today.. "easter sunday" so i might have to wait. but im having a look around on net for any sites that also make lids as this morning i caught my boy trying to...
  7. dse

    Mantis eyesight

    personally i would capture "in safe way for my self" make sure i dint have more then 1 put it inside a breeder trap put it for sale if i get no respons ill take it the lfs if they dont want it.... well my wife likes sushi
  8. dse

    Tank Tops?

    it's not that im worryed about jumping fish. it's im woryed my son is going to do the same thing he did to the freshwater fish. let see ok ill explain bedt i can. we taught our 1 year ol to put toys away wen hes sort of done sumtimes he doesnt put toys away at all but he knows in box toys go...
  9. dse

    Tank Tops?

    you say a glass tank. im looking for a new tank top at the min is it cheaper to get a custom built tank top made of glass or wood. als to the person who has glas top is it a flat head as im only into getting a flat head.
  10. dse


    hello. yeah i cleaned it out nice clean down for the glass i take it i did the right thing cleaning out the filter so its like new.... ish both my LFS's reccomended crushed coral as it helps buffer ph so they said. buying any form of gravel in uk is very expensive here and my gravel cost me £30...
  11. dse


    Hello nice to meet you all. just thought i would join the message bords and see if i can get a little help along the way of keeping saltwater. any help and advice is good i kept a salt water tank fo a year but only kept two clown fish then land lord killed them ; ;. sprayed air freshner over the...