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  1. debbie

    live sand question

    Is it normal to have the white milky look then??
  2. debbie

    live sand question

    Has anyone used the ocean direct caribbean live sand and what are thoughts about using it?? The only comments i can find is from people whom bought it from Petsmart and one said it made the tank so milky looking even after rinsing it and their sand burrowing critters looked like they had smoke...
  3. debbie

    5.5 Pico

    very neat, may i ask after you have all that stuff in place about how many gallons i that tank then? What do you plan on keeping in there??
  4. debbie

    zoa help

    Is there anyone here that can help with the idenity of some zoas??
  5. debbie

    need some help asap

    I need someone to help me identify some zoas that i want to order today. Please PM me so I can give you the web site to help me with this. Debbie
  6. debbie

    sole fish

    As a sole fish which one is more out and about and prettier to look at?? Royal Gramma Pygmy Angel
  7. debbie

    pygmy angel

    For those that have a Pygmy Angel have you had issues of it eating your corals and if so what kind of corals are they??
  8. debbie


    Can Clown Gobies jump out of the tank??
  9. debbie

    Few Fish Questions

    Not planning on it but which one of the 4 would you choose?
  10. debbie

    Few Fish Questions

    10 gal only would be the only fish in the tank
  11. debbie

    Few Fish Questions

    Guess the 4 fish names would be of great help hey, sorry about that. Strawberry Psuedochromis Diadema Psuedochromis BiColor Psuedochromis Royal Gramma
  12. debbie

    Few Fish Questions

    Just a few questions regarding 4 fish. I would like to know the following: -Of these 4 fish which is the smallest when full grown?? -Which of the 4 fish is the prettiest in color?? -Are they okay in a tank with a cleaner shrimp?? -Will any of them bother corals?? -Read they will eat...
  13. debbie

    My 2.8 Gal

    Its been running just about 3 months now. It really did not cycle as I took everything from my 10 gal.
  14. debbie

    zoa rocks

    Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy MOntezuma Revenge? Are they quite a common type of zoa??
  15. debbie

    zoa rocks

    In your second picture on the top right hand side what kind are those zoas?? Originally Posted by rebelprettyboy Guess I can post a few pics on this site for old times sake Some old pics. Bout a month old
  16. debbie

    My 2.8 Gal

    Originally Posted by vgl12 hey please read my new thread anout "picotope" p.s. your tank looks amazing!!! Hello, thanks for the compliments. I sure love this little tank. Just going to do a water change on it shortly. I also sent you a private message to email me as well regarding another...
  17. debbie

    My 2.8 Gal

    Originally Posted by lion_crazz Awesome little tank. What type of light do you use on the tank? Thanks for the compliments :-) The fixture is Coralife 9" 18 watt 50/50 PC Great little light, I would not use it for anything bigger than this size of tank but that is just me.
  18. debbie

    My 2.8 Gal

    One word "Simple" I have a nano HOB filter, 15 watt heater, 9" 18 watt 50/50 pc light by coralife. No skimmer on this tank, to small for that. I do weekly water changes, daily top ups and rest takes care of itself.e Its small, alot of fun and colorful. The shrimp adds so much character, love...
  19. debbie

    My 2.8 Gal

    Yes that is a fish, its a bumble bee goby the yellow and black brackish guys. My lfs brings them in from full salt systems, I have had this one for a while now. They stay so tiny he is 1/2" in size. I also have 1 crab, 1 algae eating cowrie, 1 nassarius snail The shrimp is a small one, have had...
  20. debbie

    My 2.8 Gal

    Here is my 2.8 gal