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  1. helpme74

    Medicinal Garlic

    Can you read this and tell me is this the way to go? Garlic is a plant with its primary ingredient, allicin, identified, at least anecdotally, as benefiting fish health and even combating certain fungal, viral, bacterial and parasitic pathogens, even serving as a type of homeopathic repellent...
  2. helpme74

    Kent Marine Garlic Xtreme

    is this good for my tank? will this keep my fish Healthy?
  3. helpme74

    Siingapore angel

    I tried mysid shrimp but the angel didn't eat any maybe a little piece but it picks at the rocks a lot ***)
  4. helpme74

    Siingapore angel

    I have a Siingapore angel i just bought him home friday 25th . i have not seen him eat yet. i'm feeding all my other fish Spectrum Thera + A By New Life non- medicated Ant parasitic 1mm sinking pellets will he ever eat this food? i also got a diamond gobby what else does he eat when he is not...
  5. helpme74


    I have chaetomorpha algae in my sump i have little clear grape looking things growing from my Chaetomorpha what is it ? i also want to know in my sump the algae on top of the water is lite brown and the algar under the water is dark green is this ok? I have a 20'' 28 watt 50/50 bulb in a...
  6. helpme74

    Saltinity Adjust

    you need to drip line your new fish for a hour that way your temp and alk will match your water
  7. helpme74

    Diamond Goby

    Ph 8.3
  8. helpme74

    Diamond Goby

    I had a Diamond Goby until sunday night i picked him up at the local fish store on friday and sunday after noon i found him on the bottom . I have a dog puffer and a cleaner shrim i picked up all the same day but they are doing fine. My water temp is 78 and the gravity is 1.023 no amonia kh is...
  9. helpme74

    anemome on rock

    how do they kill fish someone told me they will not hurt the fish is this true?
  10. helpme74

    Diamond Goby

    I just purchased a Diamond Goby and before I put him in my water was clear but after he started to sift the sand my water is cloudy is this how he’s going to be all the time with the water or is it going to clear up?
  11. helpme74

    How To lower KH

    My local fish store told me it should be between 12-14 they only deal with saltwater fish
  12. helpme74

    How To lower KH

    My KH is at 15.4 i think i added to much Marine Buffer by Seachem my ph is at 8.3 and my gravity is at 1.023 i'm wanting to add my first fish this friday should i do a little water change todrop my KH to 14 or leave it alone it shoud be around 14 to add new fish right?
  13. helpme74

    water top off

    Is there a good way to top off water? Anybody have a homemade water top off system if so you got a picture? Or any ideal how to build a good system or if you can buy a good system I have a 75 gallon tank
  14. helpme74


    I have a 75 gal reef ready . I have 4 -65watt light 2 Actinics and 2 10.000 White i have 65 lbs live rock and 80 lbs of live sand I have a sump with a skimmer. this is a total of 260 watts of lights
  15. helpme74


    Percula Clown I have a pair don't no if they are tank raised or not got them from pet store
  16. helpme74


    whats a good Anemone for my clown fish? :happyfish
  17. helpme74

    Help with purchasing new ro unit?

    yes it will work just fine it looks like it has a di filter to :cheer:
  18. helpme74

    water test

    what should my KH be around ?
  19. helpme74

    water test

    I took my water in for testing at the fish store and this is what they got ph- 7.86 Salinity gravity 1.020 Ammonia 0 Nitrate 0 Nitrite 0 KH- 9 They told me to buy Marine Buffer by Seachem so i put in last night 4 level teaspoon for 80 gal of water i also added some salt to raise my Gravity...
  20. helpme74

    algae eating fish

    i turned my uv light on no new signs of the green stuff only what was there befor i turned the uv light on